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Tales of the Jedi (animated series) - General Discussion Thread * SPOILERS *


Tales of the Jedi is an anthology of Original animated shorts, each story featuring Jedi from the prequel era, streaming Fall 2022 only on Disney+.

Confirmed characters so far:
Mace Windu
Ahsoka Tano

Forum Moderator

I’m a little disappointed that it’s only prequel era, since an anthology series has the potential to visit multiple eras. The shorts sound very good though. It gives me hope that since Lucasfilm are determined to give us more Clone Wars content, they’ll do another season of Lost Missions and animate unfinished Clone Wars arcs, adding them to The Clone Wars as a whole. That would be a dream.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Yeah I really hope we get another revival of the Clone Wars someday. There are still so many plot threads left hanging like Maul’s escape from Sidious and closure for Ventress and Boba.

Pie in the sky, I think it would be neat to see the earliest days of the war just after AOTC. Get a more fleshed out exploration of the areas Tartakovsky’s series touched on. Perhaps even finally a canon depiction of how Anakin got his scar.

Forum Moderator

Yeah , I was disappointed to hear this is focusing on prequel area characters too . Although , Dave Filoni is helming the show and he played a large part in bringing a lot of EU characters and concepts back into "canon " . He has also been known to play his cards close to the vest and not revealing things to the public and sometimes his own crew . I don’t think he would have used that specific title , that specific logo for this show without some kind of connection . Going by the original Tales Of The Jedi comics , the sprit of Exar Kun is still trapped in the temples of Yavin 4 in the time period this is set in …while things probably won’t play out the way they did in the EU , I could see an eventual reworking of some of the events of the Jedi academy trilogy or I Jedi , where Exar’s spirit is discovered and dealt with ,being transposed to this time , with it being these prequel era Jedi that have to deal with him .Thrawn was brought back into the current stories , so I think anything can happen .I would like to see this series get more than one season and end up heading this route and leading to something bigger . I am selective in my reading of current Star Wars books and comics and not fully up to date on "canon " , has Exar Kun been referenced at all in the modern materials ?



screams in the void said:

Yeah , I was disappointed to hear this is focusing on prequel area characters too . Although , Dave Filoni is helming the show and he played a large part in bringing a lot of EU characters and concepts back into "canon " . He has also been known to play his cards close to the vest and not revealing things to the public and sometimes his own crew .

I would love to see a series on EU characters too, or a series on any era, rather than just the Prequels. That just seems so limiting.

The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.


Fall 2022

So this is going to be airing at the same time as Andor?

I like the Star Trek model, where they stagger the shows so there’s new content every week of the year.


Time is running out for the Rebels. Antilles upcourt to Skywalker. He’s being paced by Darth Va— the bone-jarring pick by Solo! He came out of nowhere! Skywalker’s open from way outside, he launches at the buzzer... Good! It’s good! The Rebels win on a sensational buzzer beater by Luke Skywalker! Let’s take another look at that last shot. He just does get it off in time. Wow, what a shot. That’s why they call him Luke Legend.


That may be the most exciting battle I have ever been privileged to broadcast. Certainly the most dramatic finish. We’ll get you an update on the Artoo Detoo injury situation in just a moment. Right now let’s go courtside where SuperShadow is waiting with Chewbacca.



The one thing I want out of this show is a continuation and longer episodes. Like the 15 minute thing might work at first idk, but I really want a series of Obi-Wan episodes showing the mission on Mandalore when he met Satine, or an episode dedicated to the backstory of Asajj Ventress. Give us some more time to explore Quinlan Vos. There’s so much potential in going back through certain characters histories and I feel like it’s being wasted focusing on Ahsoka as a 2 year old when we basically already saw her recruitment into the Jedi by Plo Koon in TCW.


If you’re a fan of The Clone Wars you need to watch this.

What a gorgeous show, they’ve really ramped up the quality for this. The first episode looked phenomenal. It sort of feels like Dave has taken the knowledge he’s gained from directing live action and has applied it here. The shots were all composed as if done with real cameras and there was an excellent use of focal length. Better than I can recall it ever being used before in these productions. The lighting, the amount of detail in the environments, the animation, it almost felt like you’re watching live action at times.

The exploration of the fall of Dooku was great. I’d have been happy to have all six shorts just focus on that. But what we did get was great. The duel in the last episode was fantastic.

I really hope they continue this as an ongoing series. Perhaps even branching out to Tales of other groups like the Sith and Bounty Hunters.

Forum Moderator

I liked it, especially everything about Dooku. I would like to see more about his story, expanding into his effort to forge the separatist alliance and so forth.

Other than that I would love to see an episode on Qui-Gons and Obi-Wans adventure on Mandalore.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


Episodes 3 and 4 (last two Dooku episodes) were fantastic, I loved them. The rest I thought were fine. Sadly the last short takes events from a canon novel, Ahsoka and changes them up, probably the most major break in continuity in the new canon so far.

Interesting to note that retcons of published work almost exclusively come from shows Dave Filoni has worked on. I love the man but I do take issue with his disregard for published media, the work of authors in books and comics should be no less valued in canon than the writing for screen projects.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

Interesting to note that retcons of published work almost exclusively come from shows Dave Filoni has worked on. I love the man but I do take issue with his disregard for published media, the work of authors in books and comics should be no less valued in canon than the writing for screen projects.

Just following Lucas’ example.

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


I loved it but want more Qui-gon. I hope they continue it and branch out. this would be a great series to explore some of the High Republic characters in animation.


The Dooku Episodes

I’m really glad how they portrayed Dooku

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


rocknroll41 said:

I really enjoyed this way more than I expected to!

I wasn’t going to even give it a look until I perused this discussion. The animation is fantastic. As Tobar already pointed out, it looks photorealistic in some scenes. I have a bit of Ahsoka fatigue, but it’s a nice extra between Andor episodes.

Forum Moderator

The Dooku stuff was surprisingly good. The rest was a waste of time.


SWCE 2023: Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi Season 2 Announced - at the official Star Wars website

'Dave Filoni announced today at Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 that Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi will return for a second season on Disney+. The news came as a surprise, but a welcome one, at the end of a panel celebrating the 15th anniversary of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

“Tales of the Jedi was so fun the first time, I decided to do some more,” he said.

The first season of Tales of the Jedi featured six episodes, with a split focus on Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku. For more on Season 1, check out StarWars.com’s list of 15 highlights, and stay tuned to StarWars.com for all things Tales of the Jedi.’


I enjoyed the first season with the Dooku episodes, but the Ahsoka episodes didn’t really do much for me. I do hope they open this season up to events outside the Prequel era and Prequel characters.


i watched this after andor
ashoka episode was whatever
but dooku episodes PEAK STAR WARS no more no less
