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Post #1531615

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Star Wars Saga Fan Edit: Prequels Simple Edition & Original Trilogy Prequel Edition
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Date created
2-Apr-2023, 1:51 PM

I’ve been editing movies as a hobby for a while now, but have never released any before. This is my biggest project yet and will hopefully be fully finished by the end of the year or sometime next year. So here’s my plan:

The Prequels: Simple Edition:

I have always had a soft spot for the prequels, but whenever I rewatch them I always get annoyed at the problems they have as movies because it gets in the way of the stuff that makes the prequels so special. The goal of these is to keep the main idea of what I think George Lucas intended the prequels to be but remove all the over-complexity and unneeded stuff.


NumeralJoker’s Extended TPM
Hal9000’s Cloak of Deception
Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Lines

Hal9000s edit is what I believe to be the almost perfect version of this movie and will be the main basis of this edit with just a few additions.

Hal9000 crawl, but with the original title restored.

The Underwater scene is back, but trimmed to speed up the pacing. My reason for including this is to add back the little character that Jar Jar has, have a better introduction to the Gungans, and have a reason for Qui Gon to keep Jar Jar around. In the scene before they jump in the water Jar Jar does not tell them about him being banished, and later remembers after they enter the city. I used a line from Lego Star Wars as I believe the original scene wasn’t very good.

A partial deleted scene is added to show them arriving at Naboo.

Deleted scene with Greedo is added. I know a lot of people don’t like this scene because it comes across as universe shrinking, but I like it b/c these movies were always intended to be viewed as prequels, it adds more characterization of Anakin, and I like the irony of the scene.

Deleted scene of Anakin saying goodbye to the old woman is added

When Padme meets with the Gungans, Jar Jar line is added back in b/c of addition of the underwater scene

Attack of the Clones:

EditModd’s AotC Edit
NumeralJoker’s Extended AotC
Attack of the Clones: Fixed

Even though I have a lot of problems with this movie I’ve always had a weird soft spot for it.

Hal9000 crawl, but with the original title restored.

The best restructuring of the love plot I’ve seen is what EditModd did with his edit, so it will remain mostly the same here with the addition of the Tic scene and the infamous “I don’t like sand” scene (which Isn’t that bad)

The goal of the restructured love plot is to make it flow better and just show that Padme actually also likes Anakin.

Yoda and the Younglings scene is added back

The Kamino plot will include most of Hal9000’s changes as it just makes it flow much better (Boba Fett is still a clone tho)

The Battle of Geonosis onwards will stay mostly close with theatrical, but will obviously remove the c3po droid section, and will have a quicker exit for Dooku. (I’ve been thinking whether I could also switch the lightsaber colors to better contrast the OT)

shot from BobF is added in color graded to AotC to emphasize Boba’s feelings

I’ve also been toying with the idea of using a trimmed fireplace scene right after the battle of Geonisis, to introduce the idea of keeping their love a secret

New VFX is now added from AotC Fixed Edition

Revenge of the Sith:

Theatrical Edition
NumeralJoker’s Extended RotS
RotS: Closer to Canon
A couple of lines from the ps2 game
Tales of the Jedi
Star Wars Story on YT

2 versions of this movie will be available, the extended Siege of Mandalore and other mediums cut, and the main cut.

Revenge of the Sith is my favorite movie of all time, so this will be the cut with the least changes.

Main Cut Changes:

A couple of the changes from the New Canon Cut are added, like Anakin fearing for the lives of his entire family instead of just Padme. (extended cut will include ahsoka in dream sequence, main cut will not)

New Ending using Obi Wans Message

Deleted Scenes added back in

To connect back to canon, Appos Arrow is now added from this video:


And that’s it.

Extended Cut Additions:

I tried using cutscenes from the ps2 game, but the style is just way too different and old. I guess I could upscale them but I think it would take you way out of the movie (PM or reply if anyone is interested in seeing what a version with this could look like and I will finish it)

Tales of the Jedi Padme’s Funeral

New ending using Cinematic Captures “The Dark Times” This could contrast Obi Wans message very well for showing 2 different viewpoints

Original Trilogy: Prequel Edition:

These are basically what I think the special editions should be, connecting the OT more to the Prequels while also being able to watch these perfectly on their own.

If these were in a box set, 2 versions would be available. The original unaltered and upscaled OT to show someone for the first time, (4K77, 4K80, and 4K83) and these Special Editions, which would basically be the “canon” version of these.


Adywan’s SW Revisited
Star Wars Story on YT
A New Hope Canon Cut
Auralnauts on YT
FXitinPost on YT

The crawl is a little altered, just to mention the Emporer

Adywan has always been my go-to for watching the OT, so an upscaled version of that will be the basis of this edit.

Some upscaled Deleted scenes are added in, like the Luke and Biggs scene

I was also trying my best to even a little bit get the first mention of “a sith lord” to work in an edit

The original Stormtrooper voices are SO iconic, but some of the voices will be replaced with Temurra Morrison’s voice, as by this point regular soldiers and clones were combined.

Here’s an example of what that could be like (note that the Stormtrooper filter and click :


Reuse some shots and add music to REALLY emphasize Obi-Wan’s trauma (I was thinking of using Obi-Wan has PTSD or using new sfx as Obi-Wan is remembering his past but it takes you too much out of the movie)

Most people remove the Special Edition Jabba scene, which is definitely for the better, but using vfx SW Story has made the scene actually useable and it will be used in this edit (when I get to it I’m going to hopefully get his permission to use it) Here it is if you’re interested in seeing it:


I’m ngl, after SC 38 came out that old lightsaber duel is VERY dated (doesn’t mean it still doesn’t get the same point across) but the problem is SC 38 is way too modern, as it has completely different cinematography than ANH. SC 38 Reimagined is going to be used, but it will be heavily edited to fit the style of ANH and the speed and sound of the other lightsaber duels in the OT. The very cinematic shots of vader are going to be removed, vader throwing his lightsaber is removed, and the dialog from Episode III (as much as I love it being there) is removed.

I was also thinking about using some of the additions from (I’m sorry I don’t remember who made this edit I will try to update in the future) A New Hope Canon Cut, as it has some cool additions like adding Death Troopers to the conference room

Empire Strikes Back:

Adywan’s SW Revisited
Star Wars Story on YT
Battlefront 2
FakeYou (website for AI)
Auralnauts on YT

Of course, Adywan will be the basis of this edit.

Using lines from BF2, Morrison’s lines will be re-added in as his delivery was much much better there. (maybe I can also use some of the original lines?)

Using AI of Morrison’s voice, a couple of new Stormtrooper lines will be added in

A lot of people will probably not like this change, but when Yoda reveals himself as a Jedi, using the video below, A lightsaber is added to connect back to the PT


And that’s it.

Return of the Jedi:

Special Edition
ilFanEditore’s RotJ Renewed
Star Wars Story on YT
Battlefront 2
Crimson Maul on YT
(possibly) Kenobi

Because RotJ Renewed is still a work in progress, ilFanEditore’s RotJ Renewed will be the basis of this edit, as it’s fantastic and the closet we have to that so far

Vader’s arrival and the introduction of Wicket are added back in

Using Ai to isolate the audio, the Sand Storm scene is added back in and the dialog will be louder

Maybe more deleted scenes?

A couple of the special edition changes are added back in like the species from TPM walking around Jabbas Palace

Using lines from BF2, Morrison’s lines will be re-added in as his delivery was much much better there. (maybe I can also use some of the original lines?)

Using AI of Morrison’s voice, a couple of new Stormtrooper lines will be added in

Only using the blue armor parts, Rex is now added in by Star Wars Story as it can be seen here:


Hayden Christensen Deepfaked as Vader:


Special Edition Ending (one of the few good special edition changes) is restored. I was thinking about maybe using some footage from Kenobi or the Behind the Scenes of Kenobi, to show that Anakin has actually aged, but if not the original ending is still great. (maybe I can deep fake it as I have experimented with it before)

And that should be everything.

I have plans to edit other SW projects in the future, but this is my main fan-editing project at the moment.

I’m new to this website and community, so please tell me If I’m doing anything wrong!

Also If you’re interested feel free to leave a reply or send a PM and I will continue to update this thread and share my progress