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Post #1530908

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STAR WARS: REBELS (animated tv series) - a general discussion thread
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Date created
29-Mar-2023, 12:05 AM

I recently finished a rewatch of Rebels - a show I hadn’t seen since the original release, and I adored it. I always knew I loved it, and have always been a fierce defender of it whenever people criticized it, but I really, really loved it. All four seasons.

I’m with you jedi_bendu, I really love Season 1, I love spending some time with the crew, go on little adventures with them, they’re my good space friends and I want no harm to come to them. Little lighthearted, often low stakes adventures, really comforting in so many ways.

Season 2 gets more serious but still has that absolute charm, but I think the show manages to pull off the tonal shift from Season 1 & 2 to 3 & 4 really, really well. I didn’t remember a lot of Season 4 before this rewatch and now I remembered why - that last half to me was just one episode! And one of the best ones at that, absolute perfection from “Rebel Assaut” onwards. But I also love to bits one of the most widely criticized ones - “Fighter Flight”. Ezra slowly becoming more selfless and less self-centered (never really selfish), his relationship with Zeb, you know, I just love hanging out with them, could do it for two extra season of the so widely hated “fillers”. I kept an eye out for actual, true filler episodes that add nothing to the overall story and out of 75 there’s maybe two or three, so not a lot, huh?

In all or almost all something is added to the story, either a bit of character development, perhaps a new piece of equipment, meaning you shouldn’t skip any. And you shouldn’t want to, they’re all so delightful. Sometimes lightheartedly delightful, sometimes tear-jerking, full on ugly crying delightful. I love Rebels. Hopeful for Ahsoka.