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Post #1529912

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Mando EP4: Return to Mandalore 4K [RELEASED]
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Date created
22-Mar-2023, 4:20 PM

Since discovering your Mandalorian edits, I have begun experimenting with my own versions of Mandalorian films, adopting elements of your edits.
It’s nothing special or extremely different from your versions, just the movies I want to watch again upon rewatches.

With the release of Season 3, I was also looking for ways to incorporate all of the Mando stuff from The Book of Boba Fett into the third instalment of my Mandalorian film series.
And I think I have found a good way to introduce Mando’s quest in the mines of Mandalore by combining the scene in the Mandalorian hideout from BOBF with the dialogue from the Armorer’s cave, while also setting up his visit to Grogu.
The audio needs some more work, but here is a sample:


I do not know if it fits your plans, but I’ll definitely use it for mine.