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Post #1526647

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The Place to Go for Emotional Support
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Date created
1-Mar-2023, 9:44 PM

From what I’ve learned… the biggest thing when it comes to sexual fulfillment is forming meaningful connections first. The most meaningful connections take time, and they are not the easiest to find though.

I struggled with depression heavily in my high school years (still do today but for different reasons) as all my friends had girlfriends and we’re getting laid regularly. I was afraid to do anything or say anything over fear of rejection. Once in college, I turned the anger and jealously into action, and decided to open up my feelings and just be honest from the start of what I was looking for with girls who I was friends with or was getting close to. The fear of rejection needs to go.

It’s not the easiest thing in any way, but seeking out girls who have similar interests and presenting yourself for who you are goes a long way. Eventually, when you open up, you’ll find a girl accepting of what you want and willing to give it, and letting a relationship grow. It will definitely take a few tries, and you’ll need to push yourself.

Be honest, be clean (good hygiene goes a longggggg way), and be yourself.

Coming from someone who thought they were destined to be alone forever, I found the best girl in the world for me that accepts me, pushes me to be better, and loves me for me.

Hang in there, be yourself and don’t be afraid. You got this.