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Post #1526536

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What do you HATE about the EU?
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Date created
1-Mar-2023, 9:32 AM

I disliked how they wanted to Force Prequel Trilogy Worldbuilding in the EU after the New Jedi Order i think the EU works better as an Alternative Universe where Lucas Prequels never happened since there are contradictions like Luke Mother, Timothy Zahn Version of the Clone Wars, Sith becoming Force Ghosts, Palpatine Resurrection the Prophecy of the Chosen One did not exist before 1999, Luke Jedi Order letting his Jedi get Married seems like this was something Normal with the Jedi before Lucas Prequels, Corellian Jedi, in Old Video Games like Dark Forces 1 and 2 or Shadows of the Empire the Empire seems to have ruled the Galaxy for more than 19 Years it doesnt look like the Prequels took place in the same Universe as those Games, looks like Ashka Boda could have been the Leader of the Jedi Order before the Lucas Prequels and not Yoda or Mace Windu