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Post #1525839

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The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)
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Date created
26-Feb-2023, 6:41 PM

Hal 9000 said:

Now that’s really fucking cool.

I’d like an alternate, if you’ll pardon interrupting with something outside this edit, of her saying that they do not know the target.

“The First Order, they’re charging the weapon now. Target unknown.”

If Jar Jar’s up for that, sure, but remember that the mouth movements may need to be changed for that.

sherlockpotter said:

Heya Nev, just checking back in here, and I’m really glad to see that you’re still working on Starlight v2!

NeverarGreat said:

Okay, here’s version 2:


This sounds really, really good. And well done timing “This is a catastrophe” to 3PO’s little head bobble - it’s tiny details like that that really help to sell the line replacement.

Thanks, and it’s nice to see my efforts acknowledged 😉

Also, since I’m planning to include quite a few more deleted scenes and such for V2, it may take quite some time. Would there be interest in a stopgap version which is essentially that extra coat of polish to V1, audio adjustments, tweaks, crawl replacement and addressing the small quibbles from V1, and call it something like V1.1? I could have that out pretty quickly.

Here’s the crawl that I would put on this version:
(JEDIT: Updated link with new version)