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Post #1525389

Superweapon VII
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What do you HATE about the EU?
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Date created
23-Feb-2023, 8:29 PM

of_Kaiburr_and_Whills said:

The EU leaning too far into pure science fiction is one of my biggest criticisms with it. It’s interesting because the issue usually doesn’t come up in conversations.

As someone who’s come to prefer hard(er) sci-fi to soft sci-fi, the physics of space travel/battle in SW began to rankle me. Then I came upon this thread, which allowed me to view the series from a whole different perspective.

If I ever get my SW Saga rewrite off the ground, I plan on playing up the wonky physics, just to drive home that this setting doesn’t take place in a universe anything like ours. Luminiferous aether, anyone?