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Post #1524189

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How did you prefer to watch SW before the fan edits came along?
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Date created
15-Feb-2023, 9:18 PM

The VHS Faces Cassettes, yeah all i could afford was the pan and scan not the more ritzy widescreen boxed set. And i had the earlier non THX Star Wars set, which i preferred to watch Star Wars on because the 1995 release had the smashing glass in the detention block which i never liked. The one i watched the most on tv and on tape was the 85 sound mix.

I didn’t get a laserdisc player or the definitive collection til around 2005. About ten years too late for it to mean anything but by that time they were cheap enough. Then i got some of the fan made DVDs and the rest is history. All the way up to the release of the GOUT DVD’s and 4K77 hitting the net. Buying the awful Disney 2020 4K Special Edition watching it once and putting it on the shelf.