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Post #1522033

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List of Changes between Versions of the Prequel Trilogy
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Date created
1-Feb-2023, 8:29 PM

"35mm Theatrical
-Anakin and Padme do not hold hands.

Digital Theatrical
-Anakin and Padme hold hands."

I can add that that doesn’t actually quite cover all the changes to that wedding scene.

It is not just that she doesn’t hold his hand in the 35mm but does so in the digital, but that it’s a totally different take used even starting a few seconds earlier when his robot hand is still down by his side in both versions. That whole sequence from a few seconds before through when the hand raises up and she holds it got replaced by a later drop in replacement take. When the robit hand is still down by his side it is in a different pose, looks a bit different and has totally different lighting on it (beautiful sparkly golden) compared to the digital.