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Post #152151

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Prequel total rewrites...?
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Date created
2-Nov-2005, 3:52 PM
I'm a prequel hater.
They suck. And I'm in for anything that can make them better. I've checked out Magnolia's edits and I've read/had endless conversations about what was wrong with the prequels and what was good/bad and what can stay and what must go. The problem with this, as I see it, is that they're still based on the crap prequels. (But thank you all for your efforts. Nothing against you Magnolia, just that whole sow's ear->silk and turnip->blood problem.)

So, what I'm looking for is everyone's ideas of what the prequels should have been totally disregarding what Lucas did in his Eps 1-3. I'm sure plenty of people have already written in detail their concept of the PT, so links to pre-existing material is fine.

I guess random musing on the topic is okay, but I'm really looking for complete ideas.

So, lay 'em on me.
