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Post #1521214

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What if the prequels were made in the 80s?
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Date created
27-Jan-2023, 10:10 AM

I’ve always been of the mind that one of the reasons I don’t like the prequels is just that they’re late 90s-early 2000s movies. I think they’re bad anyway, but the effects and style of moviemaking was mostly what’s commonplace in 99-05. In turn the originals are what was commonplace in the late 70s-80s(which I love just about any movie made then). There are a few exceptions to this (the first two Spider-Man and Harry Potter movies) but as a whole movies just aren’t as fun at that time. But there’s something about an 80s blockbuster that I feel if the Star Wars prequels had been made then, they’d have to have been good. (I’m of the mind that the fun sci-fi blockbuster died after Jurassic Park in '93…)