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Star Wars Episode II, The Hidden Planet (1956).


The opening crawl from the long-thought-lost Star Wars Episode II, The Hidden Planet (1956).

Immensely superior to the 2002 remake, The Hidden Planet captures the mythic nature of Kurosawa (The Seven Samurai, The Hidden Fortress), the suspense and intrigue of Jules Dassin (Rififi, The Naked City) and the fun and adventure of the 30’s and 40’s serials (Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers).


More clips to come.

Jango leaves for Coruscant


Dooku’s backstory



Interesting! I like!

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


Cheer Paja. Added a new clip to the original post.


Interesting, quite a unique concept. I shall watch your career with great interest.

EDIT: Just saw the added scene, such a cool way of incorporating those scenes.

I like you, let us burn things together.


This is such a cool idea, can’t wait to see more! That Jango scene construction was pretty impressive


Here’s the latest clip.


Anakin meeting with Palpatine.

I wanted to hint at Palpatine’s fascination with the occult/ Sith. I’m a big fan of Polanksi’s The Ninth Gate and took a bit of inspiration from that.


Again, this is some really impressive work! Really love edits like this that try to capture a whole new vibe from the films.


I can’t open the links, it tells me I have to log in. But I’m curious to watch this. Is there another link I can use?

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin


Spartacus01 said:

I can’t open the links, it tells me I have to log in. But I’m curious to watch this. Is there another link I can use?

Try a different device. I had the same problem as you using my iPad, but I could view the clips on my Galaxy phone. Not sure why though.


Hal 9000 said:

Are you using AI to get lines for Jango? Also, nice sly use of low-res deleted scene on a viewscreen!

Ha ha, thanks. The voice is me doing an impression of Temuera Morrison.


BrotherOfSasquatch said:

This is such a cool and unique idea! I really hope it wasn’t abandoned.

This is on the shelf for the time being. I will return to it; the HD I was using died, so I’ll have to start over. But I have a lot more ideas and will try to post more concepts soon.


TK42-WAN said:

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

This is such a cool and unique idea! I really hope it wasn’t abandoned.

This is on the shelf for the time being. I will return to it; the HD I was using died, so I’ll have to start over. But I have a lot more ideas and will try to post more concepts soon.

Damn… Hate hearing about your HD failing on you. But I look forward to seeing more of what you got whenever you post and I eagerly anticipate the final edit! 😃