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Star Wars Episode IX (was) to be directed by Colin Trevorrow - DUEL OF THE FATES RIP — Page 15


The Joe Kenobi YouTube channel has released a near 3 hour video for Star Wars: Episode IX: Duel of the Fates Motion Comic (full movie).

Is is based on the completed comic fan works of Andrew Winegarner, here https://www.awinegarner.com/duel-of-the-fates

I haven’t had chance to watch all of it yet, only the first 10 minutes, but it does look fun watch and cool idea for anyone who found Duel of the Fates interesting and wanted more.


I’d love to see this as a movie. It is a real shame the Disney/Lucas executives thought it was a risk and brought in JJ for the sure thing, a safe on the rails final chapter. Now i know a lot of people worked hard on that movie so i’ll hold my tongue.


I think that the DOTF script was a better direction in the story to go…I wish we could read a more revised script because the one floating around needs alot of work in dialogue and some plot decisions. I’ve never seen a Colin Trevorrow movie that was filmed well or seemed like they had a good director present…so I think he probably would have delivered a weak looking SW film, even if the story beats sound better on paper. I also don’t know if we would have found DOTF satisfying as an end to that trilogy. It’s just a flawed tale right from the start with TFA. Something tells me if they still went with DOTF we would still be unsatisfied with the whole purpose of the ST and would have nitpicked it to death…then STILL come to the conclusion that the ST was all unplanned and riffed the entire time. And I have no evidence that Colin can make an epic movie work out.

But yeah, it’s a better script than TROS…by a long shot.