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The infamous chest grope

I see all sorts of stuff on all the trivia and cell flips, but what about the really good ones, that make you laugh?

Have you all noticed, in RotJ, when Leia gets shot, Han puts his hand on her shoulder, moves it over to her breast, and moves it back? Always a shocker.
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
my favorite is in ESB after luke kicks vader off the platform in the carbonite chamber, he deactivates his lightsaber and jumps down...onto a trampoline. his upper half bobs back up onto the screen. definitely a blooper and a funny one. the potato/shoe asteroid thing is funny too. those crazy spfx techs slipped it past george in the dalies. i'm pretty sure there's a similar thread already.

EDIT: btw, i never noticed the chest grope before. that's great. when you pause it, leia almost looks pleasantly surprised...

huzzah for archival THEATRICAL OT!!!
it is our duty to preserve star wars history...

That trampoline blooper is nonsense, and I highly doubt the grope was on purpose.
Have you found the potato/shoe?!? I've never been able to see it.

Check this one out (on the off-chance someone hasn't seen this before):

When Leia says "being held by you is hardly enough to get me excited" or something along those lines, Han mouths the words along with her
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!

Originally posted by: Starboy
Have you all noticed, in RotJ, when Leia gets shot, Han puts his hand on her shoulder, moves it over to her breast, and moves it back? Always a shocker.

I know it's not Star Wars, but another blatant breast groping scene is in Ghostbusters when Dana (Sigourney Weaver) is pinned to her chair and the chair gets dragged through her apartment into the kitchen. Remember that scene? Watch one of the creature's hands. It practically pulls her sweatshirt down to expose her breast. Wanna talk about shocker.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

Originally posted by: The Dark Lord My favorite is in ESB after luke kicks vader off the platform in the carbonite chamber, he deactivates his lightsaber and jumps down...onto a trampoline. his upper half bobs back up onto the screen...


Originally posted by: Faid That trampoline blooper is nonsense...

Well, it's not really a trampoline. When Luke jumps off the platform, the sound effect of him landing comes in later than it should to make the platform seem higher that it is. Unfortunately, the shot is too long which allows Mark Hamill to stand back up after his landing and reveal the actual height of the platform.
I love when R2 falls down the stairs when they first see the MF
nonsense? wow...that sure put me in my place. nice petard, faid. that brand of dismissive brevity is sure to win you countless discussions in your future. oh, bravo...really.

ANYway...rowman, are you certain about this platform business? just curious but can you back that up with a source? it's just that it really appears to be the action of a trampoline. you can clearly see him bob up and back down out of the shot as one does on a trampoline.

huzzah for archival THEATRICAL OT!!!
it is our duty to preserve star wars history...

The source is just my own eyes and the logic of it. In the shot it appears to me that after Mark Hamill lands, he then stands up from a crouched position. The scene cuts right when he reaches full stance. I have worked on films containing stunts and can't imagine that they would have him land on a trampoline for that scene. He most likely would have landed on some sort of padding that would not propel him back upward if it was not necessary. If you watch the scene without the landing sound effect and then see Hamill stand up, you can tell that the platform he jumps off of is about the same height as he is. I think the sound effect was meant to make the platform seem higher than it actually was.

Oh, and regarding the potato/ shoe thing... Although I can't quote the exact source (maybe it's the Ken Ralston or Dennis Muren commentary on the films), but I think the potato thing was in the Empire asteroid sequence only and they used someone's sneaker and maybe wads of gum for the VERY DISTANT battling ships seen through the Emperor's window in Jedi.
has anyone ever found indiana jones in the pod race audience?
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
in the 97 SE the incident of Luke bouncing back into frame on Bespin has been edited from the original version, the scene cuts just as hes about to bob back down, so it now looks like it was intentional fall & straightening upon landing, if you watch the OT then you can clearly see Mark Hamill bouncing into frame & looking at the camera as if to ask "was that ok George?" he then bounces out of frame...very funny! had me amused for years & years
Evil dude: "You do not no pain, you do not know fear. You will taste MAN FLESH"

Evil ugly dudes: "YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!"
Have NOT seen the Taun Taun stiffy. When does that happen?

On the potato in the asteroids, has anyone seen it and do you know where it is? I've looked and can't find it.

AND, just in case there's someone here who hasn't seen it (I can't imagine it, but better safe than sorry), check out the stormtrooper on the far right of the screen when they come into the Deathstar control room where Threepio and Artoo are hiding (ANH).
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
Yeah, the head bonking is old news. Classic, but old.

As for your avatar upload question, there's a thread about it in the comments and suggestions section of the forum. Tips are there.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Just the knowledge that you are actually scoping out a TaunTaun's crotch disturbs me.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic

Originally posted by: HotRod

Originally posted by: Starboy
Have NOT seen the Taun Taun stiffy. When does that happen?


When he's dead in the snow. Stiff as a board man!!

Nah. Too horrible to be true.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
In the OT ROTJ (non special edition) scene where Jabba is about to drop the floor under the dancer above the Rancor pit, as she yanks on the chain trying to get away.......Her Boob Pops Out.

Not kidding

Watch it frame by frame
Yeah, I remember this boob scene too. See, this one is more believable because it is a pure accident. The TaunTaun "stiffy" is a bit more unbelievable simply because it would require a puppeteer actually taking the time to "arouse" the puppet, per se. A real animal getting a stiffy on film is believable. A puppet... not so much. And, no, HotRod, I don't plan to actually go back and check it out. I'd rather remember the TaunTauns for their faithful service both as a scout animal and a human flesh heater.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
I'm just going to add that to the list of phrases that frighten me:

"taun taun stiffy"

I wish this was the taun taun stiffy thread, I'm sure we'd get a lot of action then. (pun intended)(maybe)(well, it's there now)
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
do you mean taun taun stiffy as in he is frozen stiff...
i thought it was a pun...

or does the taun taun actually have an errection...
sidenote (i never thought i would see the day when i was talking with a group of guys about taun tauns having errections...)

as for the leia breast grab...
i surprisingly noticed this about a month ago when i watch ROTJ with my gf...
i got up and with a shocked look on my face pointed out what i saw... she preceded to push me off the couch and say "we cant even watch this movie without you accusing someone of grabbing breast"

i guess im a little too over analitical (sp?)
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
The dancer's boob popping out was still in the 1997 SE actually

I imagine it's still in the new SE's too?

It's only for a frame or two.
Yes. Oola's wardrobe malfunction is in the SE. I'm surprised they didn't edit that out.

And about the "infamous" topic of this thread, I watched RoTJ tonight and don't see what Starboy was talking about. Right after she gets shot, Han pushes her up against the wall and then Stormtroopers show up... And she shoots them.

This was probably just a rumor. or something.


i just watched that scene again and its there...
your not watching the SE are you? maybe its gone in that...

right when Leia is shot she falls back into Han's arms...
now watch his left hand around her.... it will be on your right...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."