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Post #1516628

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Date created
24-Dec-2022, 6:31 PM

In my opinion, George Lucas should never have done the Prequel Trilogy, and he should have gave the responsibility of writing the Prequel story to the Expanded Universe authors from the 90s and 2000s. Instead of having a Prequel Trilogy, I would have liked the entire Clone Wars and Anakin’s fall to be developed in a very long comic series, like Tales of the Jedi but even longer. Like, I would have loved to see Lucas abandoning his plans for making the Prequels in 1996/1997, and giving Tom Veitch the task of writing a long comic series to tell Anakin’s fall and his adventures during the Clone Wars. This way, we could have had both Tales of the Jedi and a long Prequel comic series. I would have still liked the current Prequel actors to serve as models for the appearance of the characters, though. So, Hayden Christensen would still be Anakin, Natalie Portman would still be Anakin’s wife/girlfriend, and Ewan McGregor would still be Obi-Wan.