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Post #1514556

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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]
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Date created
7-Dec-2022, 1:05 PM

StarkillerAG said:

However, I agree with AniStar that the cleanest solution is to just remove that line from ROTJ. Are we really so purist that we need to destroy the whole thematic value of ROTS’s ending just to avoid cutting even a single line from the OT?


“Do you remember your mother, your real mother?”
“Why are you asking me this?”
“I don’t remember my mother.”

Very simple, doesn’t lose much of the original’s meaning, and without destroying the thematic structure of another movie in the series. If one is to cut “jealous Han” later in that scene, they might as well cut Leia’s contradiction.