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Post #1514538

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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]
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Date created
7-Dec-2022, 9:19 AM

Ryan-SWI said:

One day people will stop throwing “plot hole” around for every movie-related complaint they have.

Adults claim to remember things from their childhood that they’re sure happened all the time, even if they provably didn’t. I’ve never heard any argument on why Leia should somehow be exempt from this phenomenon outside of fanboys wanting another reason to rag on Lucas.

Leia, as a grown woman, vaguely recalling non-specific memories she wouldn’t have is far from a “plot hole.”

Yeah, that does happen, but the context around the scene clearly indicates that her memories were supposed to be real. The whole thing about her mother being “beautiful, but sad” fits so much with the idea of Padme surviving ROTS that it definitely seems like it was Lucas’ intention at the time.

However, I agree with AniStar that the cleanest solution is to just remove that line from ROTJ. Are we really so purist that we need to destroy the whole thematic value of ROTS’s ending just to avoid cutting even a single line from the OT?

Peter Pan said:

Honestly the bigger “problem” with Luke and Leia being twins in Episode 3 is that Padmé and Anakin are always talking about THE baby, singular. How on earth does she not know that she is carrying twins?

I mean, it’s not like she could have gotten a CT scan while still keeping her relationship secret. This never really seemed like a problem to me.