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Post #1514375

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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]
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Date created
5-Dec-2022, 9:21 PM

Wow, everyone getting ahead of me haha, that was going to be in one of the new clips in a more holistic post about what I’ve been doing with this edit.

I wanted to come back to this with more to show but not even a few days after I started work on it again, this thread got bumped (and now this lol)! Well, whatever. Yeah, I’m back at this. I dug up my old laptop’s drive and have been going through and syncing/re-sourcing files, redoing edits, etc.

I’m hoping it will be the final version so I can finally put this old edit to bed. And then back to OLD BEN and COAXIUM BEBOP, I swear

  • 1080p
  • Tone down the extra audio additions by like a third
  • Tone down the sillier stuff (to tighten pacing, as well as being over some of it. No more extended elevator antics or excessive droid talking, for example)
  • De/re-score parts of the film; let the film breathe a bit, make a more compelling tone throughout
  • No more color grade, or at least a subtler one

If there’s anything about this edit I was most proud of, it was how much I was able to change Anakin/Obi/Padme’s motivations in the story, and I think that may have gotten lost in the all the other ambitious stuff I was cramming in and experimenting with. So I want to just focus on polishing presentation of those elements now, and not just keep throwing shit at the wall. Like I said, I’ll have a more holistic post at some point this month.

EDIT: Also I was never going to add TCW footage this