potty meister said:
Will you eventually provide a higher quality version? The artifacts from the video compression are pretty clear and distracting.
yeah sadly there is compression, i used wondershare uniconverter when i started months ago. now i use handbrake. i tried replacing the files but converting to mp4 takes ages and the nvidia encode (which is way faster) only allows m4v files which isnt supported by premiere. for v2 im goingto start again from the ground up. using the right converted files. but for now its just fine. it still in 4k and that was my goal.
Something seems off with the overall sound mix. I have a 7.2.2 system and no matter what I do with the receiver the audio that should be on the center channel comes out from other speakers. It also suffers from heavy compression.
i made the 5.1 channels into 6 mono channels which seems like the best option. even pixeljoker does it this way. i exported it as 5.1 so i should be fine i guess. it sounds pretty okay to me.
At 11:36 it looks like a frame or two from another scene is still there and needs to be trimmed out.
i updated the file on drive with this issue removed!
im really glad you liked it, once pixeljoker’s version releases ill use his vfx (i have permission) and maybe take some of his story beats to make it even better for version 2 down the line