I want to say first that this is an excellent edit. Job well done! The focus is so much more on Kenobi and Vader instead of it being the Reva and Leia show. The training flashback is also very well done with it being split up over the course of multiple scenes. Here are a few observations.
Will you eventually provide a higher quality version? The artifacts from the video compression are pretty clear and distracting.
Something seems off with the overall sound mix. I have a 7.2.2 system and no matter what I do with the receiver the audio that should be on the center channel comes out from other speakers. It also suffers from heavy compression. Anyone else notice this?
At 11:36 it looks like a frame or two from another scene is still there and needs to be trimmed out.
The transition between Bail and Leia talking on the balcony and Leia running out the back door into the forest doesn’t really make sense. One minute they are chatting and the next minute Bail tells his wife she’s gone…for some reason.
I think the shot of Vader in the bacta tank needs a bit more work. Just looks a little out of place imo. Maybe it’s just me. Could the tank be made a little more foggy like in Rogue One? I always liked the extent of his injuries being left a bit to the imagination (even though we know what happened).
The tie fighters around the 1:38:00 mark need more work. It’s a bit distracting in its current state.
Overall I really liked this. Bravo!