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Post #1512910

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Game of Thrones: Restored, Restructured, Rewatchable (Released)
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Date created
24-Nov-2022, 10:48 AM

arabian said:

This really did all sound really good, but I’m sorry, you lost me by cutting Arya and Gendry’s love scene. I just don’t know why you did that. I don’t know why. I literally am not interested in this now. And that bums me out because this really did sound awesome. Oh well.

I think that’s a very petty reason not to watch the series, but hey, if that’s a deal breaker for ya, it’s your loss. The reason I cut it was simple – it was a forced, unearned fling…and a little creepy since Arya knew Gendry as a young kid and he’s a good bit older than her, in the show and in real life. They had one short trip together on the king’s road when they were young, but the writers are like, “sure, they know each other well enough…let’s have them hook up because they’re of age now and attractive”. They did try to create a little flirty tension when they reunited after so long, but it just felt like a forced story choice to me, even with humanity potentially on the line from the approaching dead army. Anyway, I hope you reconsider but if not, you can always watch Arya and Gendry go at it as much as you want in D&D’s original crap finale to the series. Cheers!