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Post #1512138

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Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Enhanced 4K & 1080p Edition (a WIP)
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Date created
16-Nov-2022, 7:27 PM

Hello community.

I have been tinkering with my upscaling process for the better part of the last months, trying to get something more out of it and I think I’ve succeeded.

Below you can find my latest comparison images from the pilot episode “Emissary” of the show “Star Trek - Deep Space Nine”.

While there are still some issues that I will have to tackle (grain addition and probably hand replacing some difficult scenes like the holodeck aka “The Bane of my existence”), I think the new workflow works pretty well on most things (except for the low detail font/writing on consoles and such, but I think I can live with that), but I had to admit defeat on my color grading efforts, since they yielded so wildly different results I will now limit myself on small adjustments only in order to keep things closer to the original.

Anyway, let me know what you think.

Here are the comparions (with slider):