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Post #74312

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Video of George Bush Misleading America
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Date created
28-Oct-2004, 4:27 PM
True and I congratulate this Bush administration for correcting a mistake made by Bush Sr, Rummy and Cheney in the 1970s, 80s and 90s.


Villains like Saddam Hussein are made in the U.S. as rationale for endless corporate war profits. Saddam was placed in power by the CIA. For years U.S. government agencies, under auspices of George Bush Sr., supplied him with chemical and biological weapons. Our national nuclear laboratories, along with Unisys, Dupont and Hewlett-Packard, sold Saddam materials for his nuclear program. Dick Cheney was CEO of Halliburton in the late 90s when its subsidiaries signed $73 million in new contracts to further supply Saddam. The wicked villain of Iraq was nurtured for decades as a cash-cow by U.S. military-industrial piranhas.

Wall Street Journal, 8-16-90: The CIA supported the Baath Party and installed Hussein as Iraqi dictator in 1968.


CIA review finds no evidence Saddam had ties to Islamic terrorists

I object only to the lies used as justification for invasion and occupation of Iraq and the fabrication of a connection to September 11th. Is this administration teaching our children that the end always justifies the means? Because that is the logic of the Islamic terror groups also.