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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place — Page 477


I remember loving the concept when I watched it. I don’t remember how good the plot was.


The plot was somehow simultaneously boringly straightforward and needlessly confusing.


I just spent an hour and a half blankly staring at my screen, doing nothing. I guess part of that is sleep depravation but there’s also underlying sense aimlessness to my life that it stems from.


Anakin Starkiller said:

I just spent an hour and a half blankly staring at my screen, doing nothing. I guess part of that is sleep depravation but there’s also underlying sense aimlessness to my life that it stems from.

Did you just steal an invisible quote from me?

When’s something gonna happen?


The internet is a shithole making my life miserable. Where’s Ned Ludd when you need him?

When’s something gonna happen?


Anakin Starkiller said:

How can a quote be invisible?

It exists in a parallel timeline.

“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order and in the assertion that, without Authority there could not be worse violence than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that anarchy can be instituted by a violent revolution… There can be only one permanent revolution — a moral one: the regeneration of the inner man. How is this revolution to take place? Nobody knows how it will take place in humanity, but every man feels it clearly in himself. And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy


I don’t like the Spanish language and wish I never had to speak it ever again.


The only time I find the Spanish language pleasant is when it’s spoken with a Mexican accent. I guess it’s because I have such fond memories of my years in Mexico that it takes me back to those happier times.


Anakin Starkiller said:

How can a quote be invisible? I’m no thief.

I mean it’s a quote I would have said. Don’t take it too literally.

When’s something gonna happen?


So class has just ended and I’m starving. I ask my friends if they’re hungry too, and they say they’re gonna eat at one of their apartments. The apartment is 25 minutes away. I have only one hour 'til the last train. No time to dine there, so I settle for their recommendation of ramen place across the street. Alone. I’m there right now waiting for my order. Everyone else is in a group. At least the food seems good and affordable.


I was getting nice and comfortable on a couch for a nap when the fire alarm went off.


I feel like painting my face and changing my name to Emmett Kelly.

When’s something gonna happen?


I have caught the worst cold, I can neither talk nor hear properly and tomorrow I’ve got a seminar that I really shouldn’t miss, because the feedback would help me immensely with my preparations for my own talk.

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


Ok, now the seminar tomorrow was cancelled 😕
Doesn’t help me, but at least my illness didn’t get in the way…

“Vader! Hologram, now!”


Cults hurt badly. Some wounds take years to heal.

I wish every cult was exposed, shut down, and the leaders punished severely.

Cults are a plague and are a mental pandemic that sucks out the humility and bloats up the ego of anyone unlucky enough to get slimed by their tentacles.

Death to all cults. Cults are horrific. ESPECIALLY those new religious groups that think that they are special. Fucking devils. You don’t even have to be truly part of it to get “wounded”. You can be influenced by a family member.

I once created an account on some site and spilled my cult-influenced bile there. Antisexual. Arrogant. Declinist. Authoritarian. Totalitarian. It didn’t help that my mental illnesses inflated it. And yes, the cult I was influenced by which I decline to name does have a rightfully shitty reputation as the leaders are corrupt and many agree.

Once again…

Cults Hurt. Badly.

When’s something gonna happen?


For once I did a good chunk of this week’s reading…aaaaaaaaaand the conference section skips the reading discussion to focus on reviewing for the test.


Amazon wtf is your problem? I’ve unsubscribed from Audible like 50 times and you keep billing me. Rot in hell, Bezos.


I voted but forgot to get an “I voted” sticker

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


I remember Duracell once said something along the lines of him wishing I lived in an era where the internet doesn’t exist.

I wish it was too.

I’ve seen horrible things on this place I wish I could unsee, it’s partly ruined my life and derailed countless days. I’ve tried to get away but keep crawling back, thanks to the mental baggage I have to hold from my genetic heritage.

And I write this VERY late at night when I should be asleep.

It’s a shame. It’s a shame…

When’s something gonna happen?


Spuffure I’m sorry if this comes off as confrontational, but if going on the internet causes you so much pain that you wish you were forced not to use the internet, why don’t you just choose to stop using the internet?

Reading R + L ≠ J theories