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Post #1509098

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Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?
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Date created
25-Oct-2022, 3:29 AM

Ok I re-upped it as a much shorter clip link below.


The reason I made it longer was because I did not want people just to focus on the edit on it’s own but take into account the scene prior where they decide to go off to Alderaan and test the death star. This is what throws the scene into being nonsensical IMO especially Basts comment about Tarkins Foolish plan. So I would ask you watch it with that prior scene in mind and think about what has come before.

When you include this scene It’s pretty Clear that Bast is Talking about the mind probe and not going to Alderaan to “Break her” especially as Vaders undubbed lines also reference the mind probe and not going to Alderaan.

So the other thing is transition out of the scene requires an establishing shot… Vs the scene done at the Sandcrawler the wipe from Vader and Bast to the Sandcrawler seem like they are a perfect match and that transition means something it tells a story.

Anyway hopefully this time it will work.

My feeling is to finalize the soundmix and edit to conform it to the Sandcrawler scene and finalize. It’s practical reality that making a Scene that works vs scene that does not wins out IMO.


R2D2 In the Canyon Music and a deleted shot Restored


Footage Re-arranged
1 x shot unreversed footage
Cut shot that is R2D2 in the other Canyon when he goes to look for Obiwan
Sound effects at start slightly re-timed
Inserted missing binary Sunset shot referenced in the script to fix the jump cut
Music Restored