really great stuff here. Seems like you had a long break from your initial 2018 postings, glad to see your back at it here in 2022…BTW it is your work that inspired me to take focus to the deleted scenes and even my extended versions, so very excited to see your latest.
So my approach is a little different in that I am trying not to do any 3D CG at this pont and only color grade or enhance (which I am sure you will do last). My target is probably more vivid than some may want, but intent is to fit in with ANH-R color grade which is to be my base.
Your recent use of blending with the face is impressive and not what I would have thought of + seems like a lot of extra work to do unless it works (but seeing it does work in some places - very impressive).
I myself was am able to pull out details in some areas of the face using filters and Adobe tools , but the initial run inside Toshe is very damaged image and nearly impossible to pull too much out. I am still working on it, but decided to just start where he is already out of the speeder on this frame,
I am feeling it is ok after he runs by the big pipes,
but before that I struggle because the pipes are too blury and very pixelated…It’s just a mess
but seeing yours now, I see it can be done (I did not use extra turbines, but a still landspeeder model as a base my texture on top of the footage(I would just leave out the engine in that initial running in shot) if it were me or at least go just a mesh and dark as opposed to turbines spinning but again that is just me. The original does not show the rear engine, so kind of threw me when I first saw it, but it certainly is clean work you are doing with CG.
I was able to get something I was happy with on his face leaving treadwell,
but never got his hand back and hats off to your CG luke face!..would not have known you had done that if you did not call it out…fixing a hand this way might work as well…Interesting you are using a model from battlefront? It works
I see you must have done the pipes in 3D model? looks too clean to be the original? Or are they original?..I am not happy with using what is there until he passes by it and I even tried to do a perspective warp on those as he goes by, but they are not originally. My approach is to try using elements taking from the original if I can, so I have stuff on layers
…but I see your use of 3D CG as an option and a good way and it makes me re-think. I do think the houses in the background of treadwell and like scene where he is miles out in the desert are too much as the scene works without all that I think. I live around farm land and it just goes for miles with nothing, so feel that is more real for a desert farm, but each has their own take so I am not knocking it, just I don’t think you need all those extra elements. If you are offering later 2 versions for people… that works.
Your usage lately w/CG as a compliment to fix damaged stuff is really great use case though. I do like the rear shot of the landspeeder that scene only has two shots and is very boring without some extra, the side shot in itself is really damaged and lots of under exposed, so not sure how yours will look, but interested in that one. Keep up the good work. Also like your luke in the cave fix for ROJ deleted scene. The shot of R2 and like side view looks great.