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Post #73050

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My Generation Rocks!!
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Date created
22-Oct-2004, 1:08 PM
Please do excuse me if I'm wrong here, I might be, but it seems to me that americans are too hipocrite when they talk about politics. They yell out their extreme-hardcore-right or their centered-right position (there are no strong left-wing parties in america), and oh boy, they'll run over whoever disagrees! Michael Moore will ignore the guy who made "M.M. hates america" and deny any interviews as he was some sort of god; Bill O'Reily will avoid any confrontation, tell his oponents to shut up, and when they have a point against him, he'll cut their microphones out. Everyone has a position on this, sometimes unjustified: sometimes someone is a republican because he's family and fox news told him so, sometimes someone will be a democrat because the internet and liberal newspapers told him so. There are no real concearn on the issues, it's mostly allegorical: "oh, I'll vote for Kerry because he supports the medicare reform, I have NO idea what that means and I've not been to a hospital in years as I'm rich and can afford my own doctors, but I'll vote for him", or "I'll vote for Bush because he freed Iraq, I had NO IDEA what or where Iraq was before 9/11 and I don't understand the middle east politics, but he did one hell of a good job". And then, as the election comes, it's one big parade, one big joke. People don't care to vote, people don't care to know more about their candidates, they don't care if the voting system is horribly corrupt or insanely inefficient. It's one big TV reality show, and everyone is invited to be a part of it.

Of course, I don't mean ANYONE here. People here (except someone who has been banned recently) are political active and know what their saying. And if I offended anyone, well, I meant to offend republicans AND democrats equally.