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Post #1506023

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LOST - Season 1, 2 and 3 Finales: Original Broadcast Restoration (Version 2 in Progress)
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Date created
1-Oct-2022, 1:15 PM

Actually all that edge enhancement was from my own misuse of the AI upscaler. The DVD is still the best source of the missing footage. All of the HDTV rips I have access to, are so compressed that they’re lesser quality than the DVD.

As for the shot you’re referring to from the S1 finale, it will still be the replacement angle from the blu ray. I can’t get the upscaler to achieve anything remotely close to acceptable in terms of quality for that original angle. Nothing is missing from the episode. It’s just not the exact same camera angle. For some reason the blu ray episode decided to use a different angle of the same shot/action.