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Post #1505977

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LOST - Season 1, 2 and 3 Finales: Original Broadcast Restoration (Version 2 in Progress)
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Date created
30-Sep-2022, 9:28 PM

Couple people PM’d me for this recently. I haven’t responded yet because I’m actually in the process of working on a Version 2. I don’t have an estimate of when I’ll be finished, I’ll update the first post when I have links ready.

Few things of note…


  • I’m redoing all of the AI upscales across the board. (Version 1 was my first time using the software and I made a lot of rookie mistakes.)
  • Removing the 6 seconds of black I added to the start of all 3 episodes. This was done for delay purposes when I was casting to my TV, but I’d rather have the timing be 100% accurate.


  • I’m using a much better method for creating the 5.1 sound mixes.
  • S1 Finale: Adding back the whooshing sound that was absent on the DVD, but present on the HDTV broadcast for the Season 1 Finale.
  • S3 Finale: I’ll be doing some sound design work to the sequences that I don’t have a 5.1 source for. Mainly Jack driving to the funeral parlor. I thought those parts really stood out like a sore thumb on Version 1.