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Superman and Lois: Year One (S&L/Superman Returns Mash-Up) (RELEASED)


Came up with another idea for Superman and Lois and all the fun you could have with Clark’s early years

How about we establish that Clark had a ‘year one’ as Superman, and use Brandon Routh footage from Superman Returns? And he meets Lois when she’s younger also? As for the aging up, we could use some of the plot from Superman Returns, shortly after his first year, Clark hears word Krypton’s remains have been discovered and he leaves Earth, use the Return to Krypton deleted scene, and when he comes back, he and Lois are Tyler and Elizabeth, much older. There’s even a scene in episode 11 of Superman and Lois where Martha asks Clark if he found what he was searching for.

Squeeze in Kara’s origin from the SuperGirl pilot as well as their first team-up in season two and you’re good to go…and for extra bonus ‘elseworld’ goodness, end the new pilot on a canon-breaking cliffhanger with Kevin Spacey Lex!

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