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Post #73142

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Date created
23-Oct-2004, 5:12 AM

Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Nader and the Green Party could hardly be considered mainstream. If he's lucky, he'll get 2% of the popular vote.

The thing about the parties is that most Americans are a bit right or a bit left of the center, but parties tend to cause politicians to cave into speacial interests--which makes them seem far left or far right, even if it isn't what the voters really want.
An excellent point to make.
Kerry supported the war, until the Deaniacs showed that an anti-war stance was helping Howard "The Scream" Dean, and Kerry began to take an anti-war stance, then people started supporting him, Dean screamed, and it was over.
Although, I haven't heard a great deal from Kerry about environmental policy, beyond things relating to oil.

Bush has done some political manuvering as well. There is a political trick I've heard about where you take your rival parties most important issue, and use it yourself. Clinton did this several times during his presidency (not sure, but I think NAFTA was one of them). Bush used it with the prescription drugs program.

Just wanted to quickly add, the Green Party isn't what I would consider strong left-wing. You want to know what group worries me on the left? ELF. Say hello to America's unsung terrorist group.