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Post #72961

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Episode Three Spoiler or No Spoilers?
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Date created
21-Oct-2004, 7:26 PM
I managed to stay fairly spolier free for Attack of the Clones, mostly because The Phantom Mentalcase turned me off Star Wars for a while and I wasn't actively looking for information on the net, so I was able to walk into the theatre without any idea of what I was about to see, and admittedly my expectations were extremely low, apart from laughing in all the wrong places at the atrocious dialogue and bad acting I actually quite enjoyed the film, it was by no means in the same league as the original trilogy, but it did have some of that old starwars magic I remembered as a kid, and was a damn site better than Episode 1.

while I would like to remain as spoiler free for episode 3 as I was with episode 2, there is that part of me thats curious about the little tid-bits of information that bubble to the surface without digging too hard for the information, ( I guess its the same part that used to hunt through my parents bedroom looking for hidden x-mas presents, and then shaking the wrapped presents under the xmas tree.)