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Post #72944

Darth Simon
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Your hottie?
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Date created
21-Oct-2004, 5:19 PM

Originally posted by: Lethe
I wish I saw a million girls a day that looked as hot as Natalie Portman
I think she is really cute...but she hasnt taken the step towards hot for me. Especially not with all that needless make-up and crazy hair. *Not a fan of Leia with the buns over her ears, lol*

Now Aunt Beru....hot damn...

I put Natalie in the hot realm, but not as one of the hottest actresses out there (Eliza Dushka beats her hands down, but she's not in star wars)

Call me weird but i kinda like the buns...dont really know why, just do But ill take her hair down like it was in the ewok village over the buns anyday

and then more classic white dress

And i know you mean the Aunt Beru from the originals, at least i would hope you did

-Darth Simon