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I don't like this thread. It's coarse and rough and irritating--not like jello. Jello is soft and smooth.
You're the delusional one. You can't telll a clone from the real thing! Everyone knows that Clones have dots under their eyelids--one for everytime they were cloned. *checks a mirror* Nope. None.

Besides, I can't be a head on your Chiauahuah because I am typing... And I can clearly see all my fingers and stuff.


Originally posted by: greencapt
I don't like this thread. It's coarse and rough and irritating--not like jello. Jello is soft and smooth.

Nice one. Now I wish I had some Jello.


Originally posted by: greencapt
I don't like this thread. It's coarse and rough and irritating--not like jello. Jello is soft and smooth.

Nah, just our opposition is coarse, rough, and irritating. They keep thinking that they live on when the Manglers have taken care of them. What Chaltab doesn't realize is that he really is the head on some random chihuahua and that it is a clone typing on his behalf. We used laser removal to take the ID spots off the eyelids. Tricky procedure, but we pulled it off. Don't want his friends and family asking too many questions, now do we?
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
*Cuts Bossks arm off again*

Warbler is the one who is delusional. He actually thinks he can stop the Light Katana? You saw what ObiWan's did to an arm with a round blade. If it had a Katana blade, there wouldn't have been any blood!


*cuts Chaltabs head off then vaporizes it*.
who's more delusional? one who believe's he can stop someone who is using a light Kitana with gun or someone who thinks he can use a light kitana like a Jedi uses a light saber?

I hate to be the one to tell you Chaltab, you're no jedi. Therefor stopping you and your light kitana with a gun is easy.

But it doesn't matter now since you have no arms to use a light kitana.

Bossk, can we go out and play basketball with Chaltab's head?
If you play any sort of sports with my clone's head, he will die.


Originally posted by: sean wookie
*cuts Chaltabs head off then vaporizes it*.

You amuse me wookie.


i'm amazing myself right now
You mean amusing?
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
Go play Resident Evil 4 ... or something.


Bah, I've played it twice already! No more!
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
I was talking to wookie.

BTW, how far did you ever get on "The Mercenaries"... That mini-game is flippin awesome. The Saddler battle left a bit of a..not bad, but almost bad taste in my mouth, but Mercenaries more than makes up for it. As does Assignment Ada.

Also, did anyone else notice that Ashleigh's clothes are different the second time through?

Edit: Oops. I just realized this was the wrong thread for this discussion. I am moving it to the VGT.


yes, take all discussions of video games to the video game thread....NOW!!!!

Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
If you play any sort of sports with my clone's head, he will die.

but I was not talking about playing any sport with the clone's head(which is still attached to his body) I am talking about playing basketball with your head which was detached by the alarm clock robot.

I'm sorry for even thinking about defiling the official MANGLER BROS., INC.(C) Thread
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
You should be!
And as I said before, that is in fact not my head.

It is a clone's. You'd better give up now. I'm the master of Deus Ex Machinas.


Mangler Bros Cartoon Series Episode ?? (What number is this?) The Wrath of John

This is the first episode of season two. The Manglers are hired for an assignment to the planet Enooitat, home of the Aija cult on which George Lucas based the Jedi. They have recieved word that a member of Jimbo's race named John V. Masters has been closing down stores on his property that sale meat, as he is an ultra-recylco vegan and a tree-hugging environmentalist. Bill Shakespear, the owner of the Nasty Burger Restaurante franchise is paying the Manglers several million to assassinate him.
The Mangler-Mobile arrives on Enooitat and disguises itself as an Ice Cream ship. The door opens and Warbler Jumps off, throws down a storage unit. It transforms into a ship. He and Dayv briefly discuss the fact that Motti is missing, and then he takes off, in search of the missing Mangler. Meanwhile, his temporary(?) Bossk, looking the same as we saw him at the end of season one, steps off the ship. The two discuss their mission and draw some weapons.

(comercial break)

The two assassins arrive at the enourmous estate of Masters. There is a big metal gate that Bossk blows away with a concussion rifle, and the pair enters. Suddenly an alarm goes off, and large numbers of random garden gnomes and other yard decorations, including reindeer, Santa Claus, and Princess Peach, assault the pair. Bossk fires off his concussion rifle into the horde until it reads empty, and then starts lashing them with his Trandoshan-esque claws. Dayv fends them off with a big Vibro Knife and simultaneously pulls out a sawed-off Tachiyon Shotgun. The Manglers charge through the gnomes and reindeer, rending them to pieces. Bossk leaps into the air and a blade longer than his arm extends from the grip in his hand. He procedes to slice and dice things into Samurai Jack style. Eventually the pair make it to the door of the manor and bust it down. Armed guards attack, but they go down with ease. Then Bossk and Dayv make their way the the Dining Room, where Masters is sitting at a table. Eating meat.

(commerical 2)

Masters greets the Manglers. Bossk shoots him with a Ray Gun(tm) brand energy weapon and Dayv does the same, with a heavily modified version of the WarbSP(also TM).. But the projectiles hit an invisble barrier and fizzle out. Masters explains a few things, including why he is eating meat. He says his veganism is a facade, and that the real reason he won't rent to meat companies is for revenge, since they wont' sell him meat.. because protein makes him unstable. (his races muscles are made of starches)...

He has a civility watch similar to Jimbo's and he turns it down. But rather than becoming a hulking brute, he becomes ripped and excessively tall. And he can now control fire with his rage. He goes on a long Monologing rant about how much he hates the universe and then he attacks the Manglers. Bossk and Dayv dodge his fire attack in different directions. Dayv ends up in a large bedroom, no doubt Masters' master. John follows him through the floor, throwing fire accented punches and kicks. Dayv dodges and lashes with the knife, but to little or no avail. John kicks him through the wall into an indoor tenis court, where Bossk finds himself two seconds earlier. Bossk unloads with his ray gun. The shots stun John, but he recovers and causes the air around the gun to ignite, melting it. Bossk runs at John with his sword raised, but John dodges the slash. It is too close though, and three of his fingers fall to the ground. Then his other hand comes in from off-screne, accented with fire, to knock Bossk out the window. Dayv unloads on the fire adept with many rounds of both Super Warbsps. John is bleeding, but doesnt care with his civility juices removed. He conveniently kicks Dayv out the same window Bossk went out of. Then he follows them.

But Bossk is wating. Rather than getting his hands dirty on such an unworthy foe, he unleashes the TrandoCannon, an large shrapnel -firing shotgun-esque bazooka. He waits until John gets close, and blasts him full in the chest. Masters goes down... But then he gets back up. Suddenly his head explodes into a mess of skull and green blood, but in it's place is a large tentacle with a face on the end. The face has many sharp teeth and 3 big fangs in a triad around it. It opens its mouth and reveals a giant eye... It is very ugly. The monster that was John Masters leaps into the air and comes down at the Magnlers....

To be continued.


You been watching some Magnum PI lately, Chaltab? A large, sprawling estate owned by a guy with the last name Masters?

Not bad otherwise. Looking forward (I think) to the outcome.
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Originally posted by: Bossk
You been watching some Magnum PI lately, Chaltab? A large, sprawling estate owned by a guy with the last name Masters?

Not bad otherwise. Looking forward (I think) to the outcome.

Ooo, Ooo, Oooo!!!! Can C-3PO play 'Higgins'??? That would rock!!! We could call it 'Skywalker, PI'!
Chewbacca as T.C.? He already knows how to fly the Falcon, how much different can an Island Hopper helicopter be?
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Would Han be Rick?

Princess Leia: I happen to like nice men.
Han Solo: I'm a nice man.