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Post #1501515

Hal 9000
Parent topic
Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)
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Date created
24-Aug-2022, 9:20 PM

I want to invite anyone who wants… to adapt subtitles for any of my projects (prequels, originals, sequels, and Rogue One) into other languages. Right now most of them aside from Ascendant have just English, French, and Spanish. I can adjust sync, but without speaking the language it’s rather difficult to reliably get new languages onboard.

Why, you ask?

Because schorman13 kindly showed me how to create gorgeous PGS subtitles that closely mimic the format of the burned-in alien subtitles. It makes for a much more pleasant viewing experience if you use subtitles. I’m enamored with them and want to add them to my current projects.

The .sup format they use, however, can’t be added to the player (at least not VLC) and need to be muxed into the file itself. So, whatever interest anyone may have in adding a language to any of these, it’s better to do it now.

Feel free to respond here or PM me if you’re interested in doing so. Don’t wait until finished, as I’d like to be aware so I can wait if need be. I’ll post this in both TROS and COD’s threads.