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Rankings — Page 25

argh!!!! too bad... did he say why?

Rebel, you will be missed... if you truly left that is...
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
So is this basically a forum where you can just post to get your posts up?
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
I didn't read through the whole thing, but it's looking that way from the first two pages.
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
Then you just say something like "Hey, I'm a Padawan Learner. Rock on! Oh wait. I"ve always been a Padawan Learner."
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
*grin* this is like running around to level up in an old school RPG.

OK, I'll stop now. Give me time, I'll get my posts up there.


Years down the road.

About the same time Lucas releases his next revisions...
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
LOL!!! no, you can post extremely quickly if you wish, but rule of thumb is that it has to be a response to someone else's post, although nowhere is it written that that should be it.

welcome to the boards if noone has said it yet!!! good to have you here!

it took bossk and me a little over a year to get to 10K posts... but damn, we posted like crazy!
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
Originally posted by: Bossk
I agree that "Senior Member" comes across as a bit discriminatory and I don't want to make those who happened to find the site a bit later feel out of it.

Whoa! Bossk. I was just joking.

You know? Poking fun at the absurdly politcially correct...
I broke 950!


"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
So long as I'm not edged out of any "senior discounts" I'm happy to be considered junior. You big kids can have your fun.
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
hehe... watch your mouth, kiddo...
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
Thanks Motti; I've received a couple welcomes from all the friendly folks around here. You have created a great community and it's good to be a part of it.

Except when I"m supposed to be getting something done at work, and I don't want to...then you all are a horrible distraction and procrastination vortex
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
hehe... thats us for ya! woohoo!!!! youre welcome!
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
I also can't tell you how much I appreciate people who use the correct forms of "you're" and "your". And "there" "they're" and "their." So thanks again.

Actually a few days ago, my sister sent me an email that used "their" correctly, and my first thought was "oh no! Not my sister now! She's educated!" When I realized I was just so used to seeing the wrong one that it struck me as out of place.

So thanks again. One more reason to like ot.com

(yeah I'm anal. Only about some things)
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
we all have our quirks... although i dont use the " ' " that much, but thats just here...
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
Speaking of...

Does anyone here know the Starboy reference?
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
something about "the ball from mars"? i dont know...
"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
Qui-Gon Jinn (R.I.P.)
It's a cartoon called Home Movies. It's on Adult Swim from time to time. It's basically a bunch of people improving around a basic plot. The main character is a third grader, aspiring movie director who is always making movies in his basement with his friends. The highlight of the show is the soccer coach, McGuirk, who's basically an alchoholic who hates soccer trying to coach the third graders...

umm...hmm...to describe it it doesn't sound that good. Check it out on My Spleen. Home Movies. It's better than I make it out to be.
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
Oh yeah, and the starboy reference is one of his movies. "Starboy and the Captain of Outer Space."
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
And since anyone reading this obviously isn't busy, go here. That's an introduction to the soccer coach

Make sure you have the sound on. Because, as we all know, it's not the fancy graphics or the polish that make something great...
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
Originally posted by: Starboy
I also can't tell you how much I appreciate people who use the correct forms of "you're" and "your". And "there" "they're" and "their." So thanks again.

Actually a few days ago, my sister sent me an email that used "their" correctly, and my first thought was "oh no! Not my sister now! She's educated!" When I realized I was just so used to seeing the wrong one that it struck me as out of place.

So thanks again. One more reason to like ot.com

(yeah I'm anal. Only about some things)

wait till he reads my posts.
so far so good
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!
just you wait. bossk is my translator sometimes. they call y typing shimranese

So far as I can tell you get enough grief already around here. Besides, in a tag team death match your posts would mercilessly pummel my posts, and that's worth some respect.
If you're going to take forever, then I'm having a hotdog!