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The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP) — Page 26


TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

ifjg said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

ifjg said:

Wouldn’t restoring midichlorians and the prophecy just be a matter of adding back in a few scenes? Should be super easy with a few minutes in any decent video editing program for anyone who wants to do so and probably not worth asking for a new cut just for those things. FWIW I agree the trilogy works better with those concepts in as the Jedi treating The Force as a scientific field and interpreting the prophecy in a way that’s convenient for them is good for underscoring their arrogance.

Depends on if you can color match what I did. If you just go to the color wheel and move stuff, you’d be wrong. Splicing in the uncorrected scenes would stand out.

Forgot about that. In that case, a version where it’s just SFX and color correction with no story changes sounds like a really good idea.

That’s be the Purist Cut

Is it possible to change dooku’s name pronunciation to dow koo that sounds better.

Wouldn’t that contradict all the EU like Clone Wars? And Idk about that, ive never even played with the voice ai tech so I don’t know what’s possible or not with those things

How is it impossible to fix it in the clone wars as well use the same technique to change the pronunciation it’s not like he’s in every episode or is mentioned in every episode.

I have Zero intent to edit anything other than some of the movies.

That’s ok could you just do it for the trilogy if not i understand.


Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Fullmetaled said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

ifjg said:

TheAlaskanSandman said:

ifjg said:

Wouldn’t restoring midichlorians and the prophecy just be a matter of adding back in a few scenes? Should be super easy with a few minutes in any decent video editing program for anyone who wants to do so and probably not worth asking for a new cut just for those things. FWIW I agree the trilogy works better with those concepts in as the Jedi treating The Force as a scientific field and interpreting the prophecy in a way that’s convenient for them is good for underscoring their arrogance.

Depends on if you can color match what I did. If you just go to the color wheel and move stuff, you’d be wrong. Splicing in the uncorrected scenes would stand out.

Forgot about that. In that case, a version where it’s just SFX and color correction with no story changes sounds like a really good idea.

That’s be the Purist Cut

Is it possible to change dooku’s name pronunciation to dow koo that sounds better.

Wouldn’t that contradict all the EU like Clone Wars? And Idk about that, ive never even played with the voice ai tech so I don’t know what’s possible or not with those things

How is it impossible to fix it in the clone wars as well use the same technique to change the pronunciation it’s not like he’s in every episode or is mentioned in every episode.

I have Zero intent to edit anything other than some of the movies.

That’s ok could you just do it for the trilogy if not i understand.

Not likely. I have 3 planned versions. The Purist Cut trilogy. My cut trilogy. Then my 3 in 1 movie cut that’s meant to be watched in the Machete Cut order (In between Empire and Return as a flash back of sorts that answers Vaders reveal, and gives backstory to Palpatine before going into Return. Where Luke dressed in Black force choking people immediately following Revenge, gives more context for Lukes precarious position in the force at that point. Till the final moment of Palpatine shocking Luke when Luke sticks to being a Jedi. Which, after just watching Revenge, mirrors Anakin’s moment where he instead, sides with Palpatine and kills Mace. This time, Vader makes the right choice following his son.)

The Purist Cut and doing a full trilogy of my edit even, was as far as I planned on going to please the masses. I honestly am content with a 3 in 1 cut. I don’t want to turn into George Lucas and be tinkering with these indefinitely



Can I have a Link to these Edits please thanks


Three different versions of this revised trilogy? 😧

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


CamSMurph said:

Three different versions of this revised trilogy? 😧

Yea. The Purist Cut has minimal changes compared to my full edit, so not too hard to push out that version. The most work will be the Trilogy of my edit. Since im mostly content in a 3-1 edit, doing the full trilogy is the extra work. Which, of the 3, Atoc will be the hardest with the most work probably. Idk though, we shall see.

A lot of the main changes and ideas for TPM and ROTS have been shown in some extent. Though some ideas have been held back. Atoc on the other hand, I havn’t played with much.

As a 3-1 edit, its easy to focus the narrative on Anakin and clip much of Obiwan’s journey or extra stuff. Doing the full movies each is different. (You could also focus it on Obiwan if you wanted instead, to follow into the Obiwan show. Though Ani has the more interesting story imo)

TPM I have ideas for on restructuring the order of events to improve the narrative, on top of new VFX to tell this story. Like the assault on Naboo, or Escape from Naboo. These ideas though don’t really alter the narrative that much though and really just help accentuate what was meant to be. A threat against our heroes. I don’t plan on cutting most of Tpm like most people do. I only plan on cutting it down to the length of ANH and reorder some scenes so you are introduced to Anakin before Quigon and them meet him. The Podrace is kept but moved and the reason Quigon gets Anakin is changed and simplified. This also has an effect on Anakin first meeting Padame and shooting her his line “Im a pilot”. As you have already been introduced to Anakin winning the race, he comes across much smoother in trying to hit on Padame. Much of Anakin’s bad dialogue is fixed or removed so he in general is less annoying and more the cocksure kid he should be.

Atoc on the other hand is a total mess of a movie. Even cutting the length down to something more like Empire Strikes Back, theres still a lot that would need fixing. Of all 3 movies, ATOC has the most cgi, and horrible cgi at that.

I have no experience in Blender, so while I plan on learning some to help with some scenes. I wont oversell myself and say that Ill be redoing all the bad cgi. In TPM, some of the worst scenes can just be cut all together honestly. Atoc has sooooo many, that if you cut them all, you wouldn’t have a movie. (This also effects the extant the Purist Cut can be fixed too. CGI.)

One thing is to fix and improve the narrative between Anakin and Padame in ATOC. Including adding in a sex scene (non graphic, its shown in the trailer briefly.) This is to help show their connection and how far they’ve already gone, leading up to her being pregnant in ROTS seeming more natural as we’ve now actually seen them hooking up.

Dooku will pop up in TPM so his arrival in ATOC will make more sense and connect him across all 3 films. Though its a minor appearance.

Likely, ATOC will be a less action packed story than TPM and ROTS. Accentuating the human connections seems the most important goal in ATOC, to set up the fall in ROTS.

We shall see though. A lot of VFX work to do already, so I have time to tinker.




Been a little busy lately, but this is a look at some of the work I’ve been doing. This shows some of the pacing difference too, as Anakin’s Pod Race happens before he meets Padame. The Podrace has also been cut and reshuffled some to emphasize the take off from the line. The podrace plays out against the escape of the Queen from Naboo, cutting back and forth between the two. It takes a lot of time tho to go through scene by scene and do the HDR and color grading. The attack on Naboo isn’t shown here since I have to redo those vfx. There is also no scene wipe transition from the Podrace to the Attack on Naboo, yet.

This is just me playing around with the pacing edits, Hdr, and color grade. No vfx (R2 is visible in once scene still during the race where he either needs to be erased, or his color changed so he’s a different droid.) The video has a grain over it too.



Intercutting between the escape from Naboo and Podrace is an interesting concept, definitely looking forward to seeing how it plays out in the full film. Sorta reminds me of how ANH was scripted and initially edited.


NotTheDri0ds said:

Intercutting between the escape from Naboo and Podrace is an interesting concept, definitely looking forward to seeing how it plays out in the full film. Sorta reminds me of how ANH was scripted and initially edited.

That was kind of my idea was to use Anh as a template in how they fixed it in the editing and changed when Luke was introduced. In my case, im introducing Ani earlier. This helps establish him as a good pilot before meeting padame and flirting with her. It takes the slow mid section and divides in between the attack and escape of Naboo, allowing those sections more time to breath. It cuts away from ani, allowing for a lil suspense to build as we come back to him. Then, by time Ani meets Padame and Quigon, they are off the planet not too long after. This should help drive the narrative more along with cutting it down more to the length of ANH. The Attack and Escape of Naboo will be more impactful too with the damage done to the city and such, adding more stakes.

I didn’t want to run the whole podrace through cause it just lags too much with nothing to cut away to. Ive seen it introduced into the beginning of the movie, and this works alright, but with out cutting the race up, I just feel it lags to much and affects the overall pacing of the movie.



@TheAlaskanSandman is it possible for you to import the hdr or Dolby vision metadata from the official uhds when updating the cgi or does the update cgi get in the way of using that?


Tales of the Jedi explains where dooku was during not only the phantom menace but qui gon’s funeral and he wasn’t at the funeral. so this scene can no longer work in Canon.


Fullmetaled said:

Tales of the Jedi explains where dooku was during not only the phantom menace but qui gon’s funeral and he wasn’t at the funeral. so this scene can no longer work in Canon.

Whatever Lucasfilm comes up with, it matters not.
Cohesion and serenity have long been lost.


It doesn’t really affect anything. He could have simply told Yaddle he wasn’t going out of grief and then, after the TotJ duel, felt bad and decided to show up and watch Qui-Gon’s burning, albeit probably from afar like in Snooker’s mock-up, after all.

Yaddle told him the council was going to the funeral before the duel, but Palpatine was present for both that duel and the funeral. If Palpatine had time to drop the Sidious persona, regroup with his Chancellor entourage and rendezvous with the council and the Naboo for the funeral, there’s nothing stopping Dooku from making it to Naboo in time for Qui-Gon’s cremation as well.


Wow! This looks really ambitious! I didn’t expect to see a shot of Anakin and Padmé having sex in the trailer.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I would like to have a link when all this work is finished. However…

Would like to cut Yoda from Prequels altogether. Maybe some work, but the right thing i think. Preserves ESB, and he’s too old to realistically fight. Plus the Cgi doesn’t match puppet yoda. Its better that he’s something older and mysterious, who Obi goes to after the fall of the Jedi for help.

I don’t think you should cut Yoda. Maybe you could avoid making him fight, but I don’t think you should cut him altogether. I mean, in Empire Strikes Back Yoda himself says that Luke’s father (Anakin) was a powerful Jedi. How could he realistically know that, if he had never met Anakin and had never been present in the Prequels? So, again, if you want you can delete all the fighting scenes that include Yoda, but I don’t think you should cut him entirely from the Trilogy.

Try to remove Padame becoming a Senator, and have her remain a Queen. So Princess Leiah makes sense.

I don’t think leaving Padmé as a Senator makes it inconsistent that Leia is a Princess. I mean, yeah, she’s the Princess of Alderaan, but she was adopted by the Organa family, her title has nothing to do with her original family. She’s Princess Organa, not Princess Skywalker, nor Princess Amidala. Besides, leaving Padmé as Queen would not change anything, since she’s the Queen of Naboo, not the Queen of Alderaan.

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin


Acbagel said:

Hey, just checking in on this project to see if it’s still in development.

Guys been gone since September sadly so radio silence again. 😦


It seems that it is.

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin


G&G-Fan said:

Not surprised. He was laying too much on himself at once. It’s unfortunate, could’ve been the best edits.



Was Mace facing Sidious alone ever complete? I would love to use that in an edit and the screenshot looks good but not sure if it was ever shown.


I just created an account on this site. I’ve been meaning to check it out sooner. It looks like we had the same idea for edits names. I created edits of Episode 1 and 2 with the “revised” title, but I didn’t know about this project. It looks like we had some similar ideas too. I would love to see this finished!