Leia is present when others refer to Kenobi as ‘Obi-Wan’.
I wonder if it might be possible to edit these out/ change to saying, “Ben”? Except from Darth Vader, of course. Makes sense for him to not use the name “Ben”. Leia hopefully shouldn’t be around during these encounters anyway.
…Which also contradicts these statements from ANH:
“Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time”
“I’ve not gone by the name Obi-Wan, since oh before you [Luke] were born.”
Doing what I suggested would would mostly explain away the first one (again, minus Vader, but he’s pretty much lying about everything Vader related anyway).
I’m guessing he started going by “Ben” shortly after dropping off Luke. Close enough to have forgotten exactly when he started using the name.