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Post #1494457

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Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)
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Date created
12-Jul-2022, 5:35 PM

I’ve said this a thousand times, but I think it’s worth saying again.

The reason nobody can agree on Star Wars is that it means something different to everyone. It makes it challenging to be a creator in the universe, especially in an official capacity, but even in fanedits. Everyone loves (or hates) different aspects of the series. Because it’s so important to all of us, we all feel a sense of ownership over the story. It’s hard to realize that sometimes, Star Wars isn’t made specifically for you. And that’s fine!

No movie, show, book, game, comic, cartoon, or fanedit is going to please every single fan. It’s just not possible. And that’s also fine!

Anyway, that’s my roundabout way of saying I’m not putting the damn Palpatine scene back in.

… I jest.