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Post #1494394

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Making the Obi-Wan & Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.
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Date created
12-Jul-2022, 9:58 AM

Just to be explicit for the purposes of generating some thought, here’re some of the things that scene communicates:

  • They have a fun teasing relationship but Anakin still defers to Obi-Wan’s teaching and wisdom
  • Anakin is aggressive and focused on martial victory, and usually wins their duels
  • Obi-Wan thinks Anakin’s too aggressive and blinded by a need for victory and to prove himself - he’ll remain a Padawan until he’s past this
  • Anakin needs reminding by Obi-Wan that Jedi are defenders
  • Obi-Wan’s patient, and resourceful even when apparently losing

Scenes from AOTC which could be relevant to those threads:

  • Anakin’s eager to protect Padmé - could be read as needing to prove himself
  • Anakin rushes after Zam Wesell when Obi-Wan pursues a smarter approach
  • Anakin murders the Tuskens - “Mercy doesn’t defeat the enemy, master”
  • Anakin vows to Padmé that he’ll find a way to prevent the deaths of those he loves
  • Anakin’s captured by Dooku during his attempted rescue of Obi-Wan
  • Geonosis fight
  • Anakin rushes into the Dooku fight and is defeated