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Post #1491393

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The Kenobi Movie Show (Spoilers)
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Date created
28-Jun-2022, 4:46 PM

Servii said:

Different power settings? That’s definitely just headcanon. There’s nothing to imply that you can freely toggle how deadly a lightsaber is. And why would Vader have it on a nonlethal setting, anyway?

I agree. If someone likes this show, they should watch it. If someone doesn’t, they should watch something else.
Coming up with in-universe explanations that border on pretzel logic is silly. That’s as nice as I can put it.
Also nothing at all wrong with watching it and discussing the shortcomings. That’s part of being a fan.

Personally, it’s my time to eat some Crow. I stated several pages back and before it was broadcast that I could tell it wasn’t for me and most likely I wouldn’t watch it. At the behest of a good friend and fellow Star Wars fan, I gave it a look. I was incorrect with my earlier thoughts. To be sure, it’s very prequelesque in several parts, in look and in story. I’m not familiar with the prequels as films, but I have plenty of understanding of the structure and story.

I’m not crazy about that, but I know it’s the price of admission so I accept it. It’s that or skip the series, which after a few episodes I didn’t want to do. There are plot holes, there are less-than-theatrical CGI scenes, there are issues with the timeline as it relates to how much older Ben is when we met him in 1977, and there are characters who are disposable.

I don’t care. The show, several of the episodes, the acting & writing of the characters Ben, Leia, Tala, and Anakin, and Reva (eventually) were all enough for me to enjoy the show as a whole.

Worth noting (for myself personally); Star Wars - the original film in 1977 is influence-proof in my world. I NEVER watch it and feel any connection to the 40+ years of films\shows\novels\etc that came after.

For that reason, I don’t battle the franchise. I have long been a watch what you like, ignore what you don’t fan.
I don’t know what else I can say about the show or how I feel about it.

But I’m sure I’ll come up with something. 😉