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STAR WARS - A New Hope [Modernized] [Prequel-OT Bridge] — Page 2


Ahhhh, this projects looks it has a bright future!

Loved the way you got motivated by your son to finally do it after 4 years! Would love to read his reaction after the movie is done!

The color grading and sound voices are pritty good from the samples you’ve shown!

Keep it up, Andreas! +1 motivation from me! ❤️


I was also wondering, as a bridging thing if there’s some way to not have the film end on the celebration. It just feels odd and is a remnant of them not knowing of they’d get a sequel. The rebellion won a victory, but I feel like the party at the end shouldn’t be a medal ceremony but a memorial for the lost planet of Alderaan and the Rebel leader Bail Organa. That would carry more emotional weight, imo.

Also, someone on YouTube created a okayish-scene of Vader reporting to the emperor that he’s got the princess and sensed Kenobi, and is just about to flush out the Rebels. Something like that could be helpful just cus it feels awkward for the Emperor to be such a presence in 1-3, 5/6 and not here at all.

Both of these may be beyond the scope of this edit however.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


antani said:

Ahhhh, this projects looks it has a bright future!

Loved the way you got motivated by your son to finally do it after 4 years! Would love to read his reaction after the movie is done!

The color grading and sound voices are pritty good from the samples you’ve shown!

Keep it up, Andreas! +1 motivation from me! ❤️

Thank you, antani, as always. I appreciate your feedback, old friend. ❤️

Sons motivate fathers, and fathers motivate sons!

Delpheas said:

I was also wondering, as a bridging thing if there’s some way to not have the film end on the celebration. It just feels odd and is a remnant of them not knowing of they’d get a sequel. The rebellion won a victory, but I feel like the party at the end shouldn’t be a medal ceremony but a memorial for the lost planet of Alderaan and the Rebel leader Bail Organa. That would carry more emotional weight, imo.

Also, someone on YouTube created a okayish-scene of Vader reporting to the emperor that he’s got the princess and sensed Kenobi, and is just about to flush out the Rebels. Something like that could be helpful just cus it feels awkward for the Emperor to be such a presence in 1-3, 5/6 and not here at all.

Both of these may be beyond the scope of this edit however.

I completely see where you’re coming from and it makes great sense. However, removing it would break immersion for most due to it being one of the film’s most iconic and expected moments, and would also leave the ending of the film very unsatisfactory mesa tinks.

Thank you for the suggestion though, it is just a tad too radical for what I want to achieve.

However, as for the Emperor, it would be interesting if i could find a way to include him in EP IV. Any ideas?

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
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Hi, Anjohan. I don’t know if your son already saw Rogue One, but lantern51 released an ANH edit that put the hallway scene of Vader in the beginning of the movie. It fits surprisingly well with ANH, and really make the movie feel more modern (it also can help into gather the attention of a younger audience). In his edit he included sc38 too, and it flowed really well with the rest of the film. If you have interest:



Vaders voice goes a bit in and out and doesn’t have the same pitch, different actors. Either way, I love the idea so something to work on. The affects for Palpatine’s hologram still need a bit more work but getting there. Any chance at showing from a second angle so it’s less “fan edit” looking?

I would possible cut the Yoda reference as it drags out the conversation, but love the idea of keeping in Kenobi.


Sirius said:

Hi, Anjohan. I don’t know if your son already saw Rogue One, but lantern51 released an ANH edit that put the hallway scene of Vader in the beginning of the movie. It fits surprisingly well with ANH, and really make the movie feel more modern (it also can help into gather the attention of a younger audience). In his edit he included sc38 too, and it flowed really well with the rest of the film. If you have interest:


I think a drastically shortened sc38 mixed with a better movie (Adywan’s one day) will sit better.

Maybe a few more lens flares through the movie (I sm not kidding) so the effect doesn’t look out of place.


SC38 will be mixed in at the end of the film, BUT - with that being said - I will definitely have to do a lot of rotoscoping work because there are many flaws between that footage and the original film. The background lights change intensity and sometimes shades of white all over the place, and the corridor also looks to get bigger as we switch to the SC38 footage. But I’ll have to see when I start work on that.

Also, I will definitely have to deepfake Alec Guinness for two shots having watched the footage back (luckily im half-decent with Deepfakes).

Sirius said:

Hi, Anjohan. I don’t know if your son already saw Rogue One, but lantern51 released an ANH edit that put the hallway scene of Vader in the beginning of the movie. It fits surprisingly well with ANH, and really make the movie feel more modern (it also can help into gather the attention of a younger audience). In his edit he included sc38 too, and it flowed really well with the rest of the film. If you have interest:


As for including the hallway scene of Rogue One, It would be an awesome introduction to the film, but:

a) it would kind of de-canonize Rogue One or make it’s impact in the story less impactful if I take footage from it (for example if people want to do the Kenobi Show and Rogue One before watching Modernized)
b) the following 50+ minutes of the film (A New Hope) could end up feeling tonally inconsistent, as they are much more slow-paced and the movie overall has little to no action - it’s more an adventure movie with the occasional short battle. Such an opening could give the wrong impression and sell the film as a sci-fi action flick, when it is more The Wizard of Oz in space.

The arguement for including it could be that the film continues right from the end of Rogue One, but I don’t know. Haven’t really thought much about that.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


If you were willing to mess with the opening shot, maybe have the Tantive IV exiting hyperspace and start firing right as it passes above the camera? That would help smooth things over with R1.


Anjohan said:

SC38 will be mixed in at the end of the film, BUT - with that being said - I will definitely have to do a lot of rotoscoping work because there are many flaws between that footage and the original film. The background lights change intensity and sometimes shades of white all over the place, and the corridor also looks to get bigger as we switch to the SC38 footage. But I’ll have to see when I start work on that.

First off, I tip my cap to Fixinitpost for their awesome work on SC 38 Reimagined. Second, I think most of us would agree that simply inserting SC 38 into A New Hope is just too jarring. Third, after Vader’s performance in Rogue One, the duel in ANH just doesn’t hold up when viewing the films in chronological order. I grew up with the OT and I love it as it is, however, updated versions are cool too.

For inspiration, I thought I’d share my current cut of this scene. I created some new composite shots and kept tweaking old and new to bring things closer together. My goal was to use as much of the original duel as possible, while only using SC 38 to supplement. Is it perfect?..No, but it certainly gives Vader the ferocity we have come to expect, especially toward his old master.

The video is in 1080 if you download it.


The idea of the two ships coming out of Hyperspace as a continuation of Rogue One was a neat idea, so I threw something together that I am way to tired to know if works or not, but here it is - rough around the edges;

Edit: forgot to upload with sound and tired af, will re-render tomorrow

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
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Really nice work 21C! Probably the best I’ve ever seen that scene implemented. Though I do think the shot of Vader at 0:38-0:41 needs to go. It looks very out of place compared to every other shot.


WitchDR said:

Really nice work 21C! Probably the best I’ve ever seen that scene implemented. Though I do think the shot of Vader at 0:38-0:41 needs to go. It looks very out of place compared to every other shot.

It’s the slow motion that feels jarring.

Agree, this is the best I have seen so far and excited to see once it gets added to Adywan’s inevitable version that updates the lightsabers. It lifts the saber fight quality up while working within the material.


Hyperspace (Rough Cut) as promised:


Don’t know if it works, but it would help flow Rogue One and ANH a lot better as far as continuity goes. Great idea by BedeHistory.

As for the SC38 cut, not bad at all 21C Peasant. I like what you’re going for, and I will definitely try to retain as much of the original footage as possible. However, the hallway growing exceptionally wide is still something that will need fixing.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
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21C Peasant said:

Anjohan said:

SC38 will be mixed in at the end of the film, BUT - with that being said - I will definitely have to do a lot of rotoscoping work because there are many flaws between that footage and the original film. The background lights change intensity and sometimes shades of white all over the place, and the corridor also looks to get bigger as we switch to the SC38 footage. But I’ll have to see when I start work on that.

The video is in 1080 if you download it.

This is easily the best use of Sc38 in the context of ANH I’ve seen. Well done!


Anjohan said:

Hyperspace (Rough Cut) as promised:


Don’t know if it works, but it would help flow Rogue One and ANH a lot better as far as continuity goes. Great idea by BedeHistory.

As for the SC38 cut, not bad at all 21C Peasant. I like what you’re going for, and I will definitely try to retain as much of the original footage as possible. However, the hallway growing exceptionally wide is still something that will need fixing.

Man, even if it’s a rough cut it already looks awesome!

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.


Thank you. I’m re-doing the entire opening «matte» with a mix of rotoscoping, a model and a beautiful ANH rendition of the opening matte painting from YT.

The original opening matte has its charm, but Tattooine and the moons look like dry painting. Also, the Tantive IV has a decent CGI model online that works when it’s further away from the camera.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Could also add things like slightly moving clouds, the atmosphere slightly pulsating, things to make stage background seem dynamic. I am excited to see.

Excited to see with more solid warping sounds as well.


This project looks great. Hypothetical question - would you ever want a modern remake of these films, or instead a second special edition that includes all the new visual effects technologies?


Tizzeres said:

This project looks great. Hypothetical question - would you ever want a modern remake of these films, or instead a second special edition that includes all the new visual effects technologies?

Thank you.

In my book those two kinda go hand-in-hand. You could argue re-doing the special effects would be modernizing the film.

If to choose, a second special edition followed by my regrade and touch-up would be my preferable version. Reason is that re-doing the VFX would make them beautiful and modern, but next to the old audio compression and shifting color schemes and picture detail it would feel very off.

The Ancient Lore
Kenobi: A Star Wars Story
Harry Potter Revisited
Game of Thrones Film Edits
Titanic Restructured
… and more.


Yes, I was thinking either what you suggested or everything being remade (different cast, new audio, etc). I think I would prefer to see what you had in mind. Hopefully one day there will be a second special edition as well as a theatrical edition, with no changes.