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Post #1488467

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What is your main way of watching the Original Trilogy?
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Date created
13-Jun-2022, 6:14 PM

Thanks! We’ve been doing the final equipment install and calibration over the last two days. In that process we’ve had to put some things up on the screen to verify aspect ratios and things are set correctly. Among other non Star Wars films I’ve viewed a few minutes of 4K77, 4K83, and Rogue One. It’s an 11 foot wide cinemascope screen with a native 4K projector. They all look amazing!

Hoping to watch 4K77 in its entirety really soon. And maybe 4K77 2.0 pretty soon from the sound of things. 4K80 will be a top priority as soon as it’s available and 4K83 will follow that naturally.