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Obi-Wan Kenobi Redux Ideas Thread


Post your ideas here.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


To kick off the thread here’s an edit I have been playing around with that cuts roughly 95% of E04.


Cut from Vader at the fire to Obi-Wan in the ship with a few trims
Removed Leia being captured and short scene with the Inquisitors
Trimmed Bacta sequence
Added cues from ROTS AND ANH
Moved shot of Obi-Wan attempting to move the tool into the scene with him and Leia

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


An idea if you want to still keep most of part four:

Cut straight from “where’s leia” to the scene where they’re planning to infiltrate the fortress. This cuts out the abrupt and kinda clunky scene of Roken (was that his name?) changing his mind about helping Kenobi.


Cut all but the most bare minimum scenes that have Leia (by herself) or Reva in them. The only part with the inquisitors I would really want to keep is Owen’s “like you trained his father” scene. Delete most of episode 4 and have Leia just get on the ship from the tunnel. Have Vader do an honest effort to actually kill Obi Wan and not let him escape, or imply that he is letting him go to try to find others.

Probably going to impossible to fix in the end anyway due to something else cropping up in episodes 5 or 6.


You could remove most of episode 2 and 3 and have the kidnappers take Leia straight to the Spanish Inquisition. Cut the Vader vs Kenobi bit because the suit doesn’t fit and it looks like a fan film. Cut a lot of the in fighting with the Spanish Inquisition. I know the Empire like pitting the military against each other but these guys answer to a very difficult boss and it gets repetitive.


Bingowings said:

You could remove most of episode 2 and 3 and have the kidnappers take Leia straight to the Spanish Inquisition. Cut the Vader vs Kenobi bit because the suit doesn’t fit and it looks like a fan film. Cut a lot of the in fighting with the Spanish Inquisition. I know the Empire like pitting the military against each other but these guys answer to a very difficult boss and it gets repetitive.

At some point you could even consider removing the entire show 😂

So long 🙌


paja said:

To kick off the thread here’s an edit I have been playing around with that cuts roughly 95% of E04.


Cut from Vader at the fire to Obi-Wan in the ship with a few trims
Removed Leia being captured and short scene with the Inquisitors
Trimmed Bacta sequence
Added cues from ROTS AND ANH
Moved shot of Obi-Wan attempting to move the tool into the scene with him and Leia

How did he get from bacta to ship?

Make sure and flip the screen where obi is by himself so it matches side with Leia. (That flow worked well otherwise)


MalaStrana#2 said:

Bingowings said:

You could remove most of episode 2 and 3 and have the kidnappers take Leia straight to the Spanish Inquisition. Cut the Vader vs Kenobi bit because the suit doesn’t fit and it looks like a fan film. Cut a lot of the in fighting with the Spanish Inquisition. I know the Empire like pitting the military against each other but these guys answer to a very difficult boss and it gets repetitive.

At some point you could even consider removing the entire show 😂

There are some nice character moments but it does seem that much of the time Ben is looking for Leia, rescuing Leia, talking to Leia, losing Leia. In terms of condensing the story losing much of 2 and 3 makes sense. Getting Ben to go right to the fortress cuts out much of the padding added to the film story to turn it into a show.


revel911 said:

How did he get from bacta to ship?

Make sure and flip the screen where obi is by himself so it matches side with Leia. (That flow worked well otherwise)

I kinda tried to make it look that there was a tank on the ship although I may add in another shot to bring more awareness of the environment.


Here’s the attempt. I would’ve preferred to use another shot although that’s not in the cards for the moment.


Some minor colour correction to somewhat support it. If anyone has any better ideas to achieve it I’d like to know.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


That works better …

Still, flip horizontally that shot where Ben is force moving that device. It would keep him consistently on the left side of the ship as he is with Leia.

Are there any shots of Tala or anyone else in the pilots seats? That could help break up him “getting out of the tank.” What about him wet ?


Bingowings said:

You could remove most of episode 2 and 3 and have the kidnappers take Leia straight to the Spanish Inquisition. Cut the Vader vs Kenobi bit because the suit doesn’t fit and it looks like a fan film. Cut a lot of the in fighting with the Spanish Inquisition. I know the Empire like pitting the military against each other but these guys answer to a very difficult boss and it gets repetitive.

1000 worlds of this!

I’d also remove the young Jedi approaching Kenobi because it’s so inconsistent. “The boy must be trained.” “I can’t help you.” WHICH IS IT?!?


Bingowings said:

You could remove most of episode 2 and 3 and have the kidnappers take Leia straight to the Spanish Inquisition. Cut the Vader vs Kenobi bit because the suit doesn’t fit and it looks like a fan film. Cut a lot of the in fighting with the Spanish Inquisition. I know the Empire like pitting the military against each other but these guys answer to a very difficult boss and it gets repetitive.

And then I don’t know what to do with the escape in Ep. 4. So comical and I don’t think it was intended. The trench coat reminded me of The Little Rascals short where the kids were stacked in a coat pretending to be an adult. So awful.


mrbenja0618 said:

Bingowings said:

You could remove most of episode 2 and 3 and have the kidnappers take Leia straight to the Spanish Inquisition. Cut the Vader vs Kenobi bit because the suit doesn’t fit and it looks like a fan film. Cut a lot of the in fighting with the Spanish Inquisition. I know the Empire like pitting the military against each other but these guys answer to a very difficult boss and it gets repetitive.

And then I don’t know what to do with the escape in Ep. 4. So comical and I don’t think it was intended. The trench coat reminded me of The Little Rascals short where the kids were stacked in a coat pretending to be an adult. So awful.

So bad


What if the entire series is just a dream of Obi-Wan? So there are no contradictions with the OT.

«This is where the fun begins!»
(Anakin Skywalker)


mrbenja0618 said:

Bingowings said:

You could remove most of episode 2 and 3 and have the kidnappers take Leia straight to the Spanish Inquisition. Cut the Vader vs Kenobi bit because the suit doesn’t fit and it looks like a fan film. Cut a lot of the in fighting with the Spanish Inquisition. I know the Empire like pitting the military against each other but these guys answer to a very difficult boss and it gets repetitive.

And then I don’t know what to do with the escape in Ep. 4. So comical and I don’t think it was intended. The trench coat reminded me of The Little Rascals short where the kids were stacked in a coat pretending to be an adult. So awful.

Add an AI line from Kenobi saying “That’s never gonna work”, right after showing him with the “disguise”. This will make he admits that even he doesn’t think this is a good idea, but due to the situation, it’s what he comes up to escape.


I was one of those suckers who was actually really excited for Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) because Deborah Chow and Kelley DIxon’s work on Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad fuckin’ rule. Needless to say, that was a bit misguided.

So I took a crack at editing the show to be closer in tone and style to what I expected out of BB-verse alumni.

I don’t think I’m going to do the whole show, but it was just a fun little experiment. The edit isn’t supposed to be like BB/BCS fwiw, just approaching the material with some of the storytelling philosophy I learned from them.

At the very least, Deborah Chow’s sensibilities as a director were still conducive to being arranged in this way so at least some of my excitement wasn’t unfounded

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Darth Malgus said:

What if the entire series is just a dream of Obi-Wan? So there are no contradictions with the OT.

I’m with this…👍👍


NFBisms said:

I was one of those suckers who was actually really excited for Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) because Deborah Chow and Kelley DIxon’s work on Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad fuckin’ rule. Needless to say, that was a bit misguided.

So I took a crack at editing the show to be closer in tone and style to what I expected out of BB-verse alumni.

I don’t think I’m going to do the whole show, but it was just a fun little experiment. The edit isn’t supposed to be like BB/BCS fwiw, just approaching the material with some of the storytelling philosophy I learned from them.

At the very least, Deborah Chow’s sensibilities as a director were still conducive to being arranged in this way so at least some of my excitement wasn’t unfounded

This is beautiful. Great work!


Holy shit, NFB. I think I felt the same way as you going into the series and had the same response, so as someone who also loves BB/BCS, this is little edit was really cathartic. Honestly if you weren’t personally up to do an edit I’d love to help.


NFBisms said:

I was one of those suckers who was actually really excited for Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) because Deborah Chow and Kelley DIxon’s work on Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad fuckin’ rule. Needless to say, that was a bit misguided.

So I took a crack at editing the show to be closer in tone and style to what I expected out of BB-verse alumni.

I don’t think I’m going to do the whole show, but it was just a fun little experiment. The edit isn’t supposed to be like BB/BCS fwiw, just approaching the material with some of the storytelling philosophy I learned from them.

At the very least, Deborah Chow’s sensibilities as a director were still conducive to being arranged in this way so at least some of my excitement wasn’t unfounded

The real pitfall of this show was mostly Joby Harold’s abysmal writing tbf.


This is really beautiful, NFB. You’re right, there’s a lot of good visual storytelling in the direction.

There are so many moments in the show where characters say things out loud that we can clearly see on their faces. I wish they would’ve either cut away before they spoke or shot a version without the line (for example, when Roken changes his mind about helping).


I would just cut to Bail telling Ben Leia yas been kidnapped. And send him to sympathetic allies who help him break in to the Fortress.


Idea for a film edit:

Take the pre-AOTC flashback and cut it up to space throughout the movie. Have part of it play when Ben is dreaming in the cave, another part during the bacta tank scene and then the last part either during Vader’s march on Jabiim or when Kenobi is under the rocks in Part 6.