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Post #73140

Hal 9000
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MagnoliaFan Edits: Ep I "Balance Of The Force", and Ep II "The Clone War" (Released)
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Date created
23-Oct-2004, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by: Faid
Let us hope that Episode 3 won't require any edits

I agree, 100%.

Even so... there would have to be minimal editing of Jar Jar (who is sure to have at least a FEW lines), Neimondians, etc. to ensure continuity with the previous edits no?

That would be tubular if that was all that needed to be done.

But let's think about it, it isn't going to be as good as we'd hope. It will require *some* tinkering to be made better. And I'm glad we have none other than our very own MagnoliaFan on the job when the DVDs come out.

***MY*** Star Wars Saga will be perfect:

Balance of the Force
The Clone War
(Whatever he titles EpIII... Birth of the Empire?)
The Empire Strikes Back (ORIGINAL 1980 VERSION)
Return of the Jedi (ORIGINAL 1983 VERSION)

It will be perfect, I tell you. PERFECT! Hehe.
I know MagnoliaFan also has planned some editing to do with the OT as well, but I say no thank you. No thank you. It does sound intriguing, but not for my definitive Star Wars. The way I see it... the OT is the story and the prequels are simply backstory to it. All I really wanted done was to have the backstory made bearable.

Good luck with your editing, and everything. MTFBWY