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Post #1487763

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KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]
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Date created
8-Jun-2022, 10:27 AM


I mean, this one could be skipped. And depending on the last two episodes and their content of worth, I’ll take the removal of this episode into account when those are released, but what? Are we watching the same show?

This episode (despite some of Reeva’s dialogue and running) had the highest production value and interest of conflict thus far in the series for me, and the lack of security and intellectual stormtroopers (which, let’s face it, has been a thing since ANH) doesn’t ruin this for me.

This episode had me engaged from the get-go, and unless the last two episodes have so much content that keeping this episode would be impractical for the overall pacing, I think I would keep most of it.

And come on. The “the good guy gets away” has been a thing since 1977. Outside of Star Wars, it’s been a thing since the beginning of film. That Darth Vader gave up a hunt I think we all can assume he finds amusing and fills him with purpose doesn’t break immersion for me the slightest. I’ve come to expect that.

This was levels above episode 1 and 2.

The underwater sequence, the Jedi tombs, the torture device, Leia grabbing Obi-WAN’s hand at the end, the music finally delivering, Obi-Wan finding back to his Jedi ways, Tala as a character, the shot of the stormtroopers drowning, the probe droid hunting Obi-Wan - searching through the glass window with the eerie music… this episode had memorable, emotional, intense moments!

And of course, perhaps since I went in with insanely low expectations this time around, perhaps I also saw more value in the episode, but this was a 8/10 for me.

And PS:

imagine how beautiful it will feel when The Force Theme plays as Obi-Wan prevents the glass from crushing down upon them, followed by him steering it towards the Stormtroopers.


As for Darth Vader not killing Reeva for her “failure” (although she for the first time ever did something smart in this series you ask me), remember I don’t have the scene with Vader on his throne warning her, so this doesn’t create any problems whatsoever.

lavoyd said:

My Star Wars radar must be broken because my friends all criticized the same things, yet I found myself thoroughly enjoying this episode. The Snow Speeders were a bit shoddy but it wasn’t so bad that it bothered me.

It isn’t broken at all if you ask me. I agree with you.

And the Snow Speeders aren’t actually Snow Speeders. They were used in other climates as well throughout Star Wars lore.