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The Kenobi Movie Show (Spoilers) — Page 39


If you had been set to write an Obi show and had gone back and refreshed yourself on the canon - scenes and dialogue made in both PT and OT - would you have written Obi as unaware?

I mean, I definitely would. When the realization that he didn’t actually kill the brother he loved happened offscreen from the movies, writing that as its own story is a no brainer. It’s extremely fertile ground for emotional character work, I don’t see why any writer would reject that opportunity. Regardless of how you think it was done, the concept is more than sound.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


jedi_bendu said:

Exactly. This claim is just a bad attempt to slander the creatives behind this show. In episode 2 Obi-wan hears the name “Lord Vader” and visibly reacts to it. What he didn’t know was that Vader was still alive.

Ewan did great when he heard the name Vader. No need for Reva to name drop Anakin Skywalker.


haraldo23 said:

henzINNIT said:

Obi-Wan knowing Anakin took the name Vader doesn’t mean he knew that Vader survived past their fight in episode 3 though, right? The fair assumption would be that the guy you left chopped up and on fire did in fact die from those injuries. Isn’t that the surprising information, and not that Anakin changed his name? I haven’t seen it, but that’s the impression I got.

If you had been set to write an Obi show and had gone back and refreshed yourself on the canon - scenes and dialogue made in both PT and OT - would you have written Obi as unaware?

jedi_bendu said:

Exactly. This claim is just a bad attempt to slander the creatives behind this show. In episode 2 Obi-wan hears the name “Lord Vader” and visibly reacts to it. What he didn’t know was that Vader was still alive.

Of course, as always - the fans are to blame. Instead of pointing out a blatant result of incompetency, we should all rally around the writers and help them out with our fan theory gymnastics. Force forbid Disney actually do their own job well to begin with.

In this case it does make sense. Obi Wan was specifically leaving him for dead, and Yoda tells him that he’s Darth Vader, so he knows him by that name. If I remember right, they made a big deal out of the moment he finds out he’s alive in the expanded universe as well, I think in Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader (I haven’t read it.) It makes sense to make it a big dramatic part and for what it’s worth I think it’s one of the things they did well in the show, largely because of Ewan McGregor selling it.

The main issue is whether people in general would be aware that Vader exists or not and whether that knowledge would have reached Obi Wan and friends after 10 years. Apparently not, which would imply he doesn’t go out that often or he just doesn’t leave anyone around to tell stories.


yotsuya said:

I am still baffled that anyone thinks this show is poorly done. It is a hit with fans in general and the only reason it will never be as popular as The Mandalorian is that it doesn’t have Baby Yoda (possibly the single most popular character in all of Star Wars). But the production quality of all of them are top notch. I can’t see any issue with the set, costumes, acting, anything.

I think fans in general are half and half, some really like it, some hate it, and a lot of people like myself and I think most of this site are split within ourselves. It has some good aspects and bad aspects. Definitely much better than Book of Boba Fett but how much better (or whether they can keep it up) remains to be seen.


Vladius said:

Channel72 said:

This show is… okay, I guess. It has moments of greatness (Vader scene, obviously), but it’s just weirdly bland in so many ways. The production is weirdly amateurish compared to Mandalorian: my theory is Disney got lazy with Obi-Wan because they figure they don’t need to try so hard when the plot is literally just what millions of 10-year old Star Wars fans have been acting out on playgrounds since 1977.

But the writing and plot so far is also kind of just… bland. Like, there’s nothing that really departs from the obvious basic plot synopsis required: Obi Wan is on Tatooine looking after Luke, some stuff happens, he’s nearly caught by the Empire, runs into Vader, survives, etc.

There’s no creative spark. How about something more than the most obvious plot-line required of a post-Clone Wars Obi Wan show? The only place I’ve seen real creativity from Star Wars lately is with Visions. I feel like your average random Star Wars fan could vomit out a more creative plot in a YouTube comments section. Here’s an idea from me, a random guy on the Internet: Obi Wan is laying low on Tatooine, but then something like the plot of Seven Samurai (a Lucas inspiration) happens. Some local warlords/bandits attack a moisture farming community. One of the farmers tries to recruit some “Ronin”, and asks Obi Wan for help. At first he refuses but comes around after realizing the Galaxy needs the Jedi again, blah blah, etc, you get the gist. That could be the whole show - you don’t even need Vader (and a Vader-less show is probably better for the overall consistency of the saga).

If you absolutely HAVE to have Vader because Disney execs insist, then maybe Obi Wan’s involvement in the Seven Samurai escapade alerts some local Imperials. Obi-Wan realizes his cover is in danger and has to temporarily flee Tatooine. But if Vader is involved, he should be way more mysterious. Plant some seeds early on by mentioning rumors of a mysterious “Jedi killer” working for the Emperor - nobody is sure what “it” is: a new Sith apprentice? Some kind of droid/Cyborg? Nobody really knows. When Obi-Wan finally encounters Vader, we can get a big emotional pay-off when he realizes it’s Anakin. (They did this better in Rebels with Ahsoka; in the actual Obi-Wan series Obi Wan is basically just told that Anakin is still alive by another character.)

I’m with you but Seven Samurai is also pretty unoriginal for this kind of thing, it’s been done in every Filoni show so far. Sometimes the western and samurai movie references are so blatant that they’re obnoxious. It came full circle in Visions when one of the episodes was a retelling of Hidden Fortress, when that’s literally already what the original Star Wars was.

True - I just think the circumstances surrounding Obi-Wan are a great fit for this kind of story. He’s basically the equivalent of a Ronin - a former Jedi who no longer serves any formal order. He’s stuck on Tatooine, and there’s a large farming community there… I mean, the story just writes itself.


yotsuya said:

I am still baffled that anyone thinks this show is poorly done. It is a hit with fans in general and the only reason it will never be as popular as The Mandalorian is that it doesn’t have Baby Yoda (possibly the single most popular character in all of Star Wars). But the production quality of all of them are top notch. I can’t see any issue with the set, costumes, acting, anything.

Many of the sets appeared cheap to me. The city on Daiyu looks great in some shots, but other times (particularly scenes where Obi-Wan/Leia are walking down crowded streets) it looks like a cheap set with extras hanging around in the background. The drug-lab and prison cell looked like a sound stage. In many ways, George Lucas’ 2010 test footage of the Coruscant underground looked better - or at least felt more “alive” and atmospheric due to superior lighting, sound effects and background details contributing to the ambiance.

The picture quality in Obi-Wan also appears more like a television show and less like film. The Inquisitors look like cheap rubber Hellraiser knockoffs. I think a lot of this comes down to the lighting. There’s other little things as well. Mandalorian and even Book of Boba Fett had amazing original scores. This show has no particularly memorable original scores (yet), and doesn’t even reuse older themes that could breathe some much-needed life into the series. I mean, would it kill them to throw in some Imperial March here or there?


haraldo23 said:

Of course, as always - the fans are to blame. Instead of pointing out a blatant result of incompetency, we should all rally around the writers and help them out with our fan theory gymnastics. Force forbid Disney actually do their own job well to begin with.

Two things.

One, I never said the fans are to blame. The person who made this specific video is to blame for straight up lying just to make a writer look bad. Don’t put words in my mouth.

Two, I literally just explained how the video’s wrong and this is not an example of “incompetency”. Joby Harold is well aware Obi-wan knows that Anakin is Vader. You can take issues with his writing style or creative decisions or whatever but let’s not just post misleading things just to further some narrative or whatever you’re trying to do here.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


exitzero said:

Ewan did great when he heard the name Vader. No need for Reva to name drop Anakin Skywalker.

No, but she’s rubbing it in deliberately I think. By her tone of voice she’s really enjoying savouring the moment and tormenting Obi-wan.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


yotsuya said:

I am still baffled that anyone thinks this show is poorly done. It is a hit with fans in general and the only reason it will never be as popular as The Mandalorian is that it doesn’t have Baby Yoda (possibly the single most popular character in all of Star Wars). But the production quality of all of them are top notch. I can’t see any issue with the set, costumes, acting, anything.

You gotta stop feeling so baffled by now, maybe you don’t see it but more than a few do. I’m actually pretty surprised myself, I thought I’d be the only one complaining about things like production and camera work but to see it so widely as a criticism even from those still otherwise enjoying the show speaks to at least some credibility. The sets don’t literally have to be falling over to be beneath the standard fans hoped for from such a high profile mini series.

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV


Ep4 was better than the first 3 eps. It even looked much better visually for the most part, But it still has problems, although not as many as previous eps. It does have problems with framing. Way too many wide shots. As if they were trying to show off the sets more than create an atmosphere. Everything seems to be a huge open and empty space. This ep should have had a claustrophobic feel to it. Tension. But it didn’t. At times it felt like there are a million writers, each not bothering to go over what the other has written.

We see Obi at the beginning of the ep struggling to even move a small object using the force, but then miraculously manages to hold back a whole ocean. The “nods” to the OT are getting a bit tiresome now. The ANH tractor beam scene…check. Escape only to have a tracker on the ship…check. OOH that’s where Vader gets the idea from. SMH.

And don’t get me started on that ridiculous escape with Lei hiding underneath Ben’s imperial cape. Jesus.

But the biggest problem is the ever increasing bond between Obi & Leia. The more they progress with this, the more she is a heartless bitch in ANH. That guy risked everything for her and she had this close bond. But she doesn’t even react when he is trapped and about to die in ANH? Yet the boy who has known him for 5 minutes reacts the opposite way? Wow. that calls her character into question. This should never have been Leia in this story. There is no peril because we know who survives.

The music is still as forgettable as ever. It fails miserably at conveying any sense of emotion during scenes that desperately need it. Maybe one or two points where it almost got there, but not quite.

But the speeders… my god did the effects on those things look bad. The way they moved looked so fake. They were done so much better 42 years ago with less technology.

One thing thing that is head and shoulders above everything else in this show is Vivien Lyra Blair. This kid is amazing. She out acted Moses Ingram during their scenes together in this ep.

Having said that though, this was far more enjoyable than the eps before it. But, with just 2 episodes left, i’m not holding out much hope that this will ever be anything more than a single watch only series. Completely forgettable.




I honestly again loved Part IV, and generally the series thus far.


Feels like a few scenes were cut from the first act of the episode. We go from burned Bacta Obi to fully healed Jedi robes Obi in the span of a few seconds, Ice cube jr goes from “I’m not gonna help you” to “I’m all in” at a blink of an eye, and I have a feeling Wade and the girl were meant to have more of a presence earlier on to set up that ending…

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


haraldo23 said:

henzINNIT said:

Obi-Wan knowing Anakin took the name Vader doesn’t mean he knew that Vader survived past their fight in episode 3 though, right? The fair assumption would be that the guy you left chopped up and on fire did in fact die from those injuries. Isn’t that the surprising information, and not that Anakin changed his name? I haven’t seen it, but that’s the impression I got.

If you had been set to write an Obi show and had gone back and refreshed yourself on the canon - scenes and dialogue made in both PT and OT - would you have written Obi as unaware?

You’ll think I’m just being contrarian, but yes, I would have written have written Ben as unaware. He needs to believe he was successful in ROTS, otherwise it calls into question why he hasn’t done anything about Vader in the intervening years. More importantly, if you’re writing something in this gap, you would want to show him finding out the truth as it is good drama. I’m sure there is a bunch of stuff I’d do differently, but this particular thing seems pretty logical.


idir_hh said:

Feels like a few scenes were cut from the first act of the episode. We go from burned Bacta Obi to fully healed Jedi robes Obi in the span of a few seconds, Ice cube jr goes from “I’m not gonna help you” to “I’m all in” at a blink of an eye, and I have a feeling Wade and the girl were meant to have more of a presence earlier on to set up that ending…

This happened before in this show. One minute " i’m not going to help you" and the next “I’m helping you” with Haja Estree. It’s probably just how bad the writing is on this show. But if important contextual scenes have been cut then the showrunner is clueless when it comes to editing and story plotting. It’s far worse than " somehow Palpatine returned" yet people will still be bitching about that when this show does far worse




Well, Ep4 feels very tired with all this recycling of SW tropes. So, it was not very interesting to follow. It lacks suspense, excitement, wonder… nothing feels new or earned. It’s even becoming quite repetitive, as if it was the “Leia rescue of the week” episode. It still doesn’t look very good: I sure like the sets but the way it’s shot is weak. Adding people sitting sad is also not what I expect from a director known for “character development”. It’s such a lazy work, so as is the easy and useless Ben/Vader bacta tank parallel (I mean: they both are in a bacta tank, so… what ? The guys were brothers and that’s the only stuff you can come up with, a batca tank…). It feels like JJ Abrams movies but without the energy and the occasional good ideas. Quite sad to watch.

So yep, it’s watchable but doesn’t have heart or soul to remember a single thing about it where I thought “oh, this is so well done!”.

Andrew Stanton wrote the last 2 ones, so at least there might be some good writting in this series after all. Unless Leia gets abducted once again to be rescued once again… oh no wait, this is what already happens in ANH!

So long 🙌


adywan said:

But the biggest problem is the ever increasing bond between Obi & Leia. The more they progress with this, the more she is a heartless bitch in ANH. That guy risked everything for her and she had this close bond. But she doesn’t even react when he is trapped and about to die in ANH? Yet the boy who has known him for 5 minutes reacts the opposite way? Wow. that calls her character into question. This should never have been Leia in this story. There is no peril because we know who survives.

This feels like a nitpick of what I think is the best part of the series. The relationship between Obi-wan and Leia is the beating heart of this story and I always love their scenes together. We don’t even really focus on Leia’s reaction to his duelling Vader in ANH, and though I’ll give you that Luke seems more sad about it than she does afterwards, I don’t think it’s anywhere near a good enough reason to justify not doing this story.

Hell, maybe Leia doesn’t remember much from when she was 9. I know I don’t.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


The sheer incompetence of the bad guys in this is really baffling. The scene with Tala whispering into her comlink in a room full of imperials felt almost like a parody. And then when the troopers overhear Obi-Wan’s radio, they just aim into an empty corridor, completely ignoring a huge hole in the wall just two meters to the left. The escape at the end of the episode also felt very un-earned.

RIP Wade, though. We barely knew him but it was delivered asi if we were really supposed to care.

Leia is great and Ben ain’t too bad either. Other than that I don’t really see what’s the point of this show.


Wexter said:

The sheer incompetence of the bad guys in this is really baffling.

It’s indeed very embarrassing. The security lead easily fooled and the other officier getting beaten up… Knowing Kennedy I can’t help noticing that the scheme is always the same: a lady helping or beating up a dude. Too bad I’d like a lady v lady fight Stephen Sommers style.

RIP, Wade, though. We barely knew him but it was delivered as if we were really supposed to care.

Come on it’s Wade ! WADE ! He meant so much to… wait, when was he introduced in the story again ?

So long 🙌


Btw the episodes seem to be quite short now, meaning a good fanedit of the show could potentially fit in a movie lenght standard.

So long 🙌


jedi_bendu said:

adywan said:

But the biggest problem is the ever increasing bond between Obi & Leia. The more they progress with this, the more she is a heartless bitch in ANH. That guy risked everything for her and she had this close bond. But she doesn’t even react when he is trapped and about to die in ANH? Yet the boy who has known him for 5 minutes reacts the opposite way? Wow. that calls her character into question. This should never have been Leia in this story. There is no peril because we know who survives.

This feels like a nitpick of what I think is the best part of the series. The relationship between Obi-wan and Leia is the beating heart of this story and I always love their scenes together. We don’t even really focus on Leia’s reaction to his duelling Vader in ANH, and though I’ll give you that Luke seems more sad about it than she does afterwards, I don’t think it’s anywhere near a good enough reason to justify not doing this story.

Hell, maybe Leia doesn’t remember much from when she was 9. I know I don’t.

No, it’s not a nitpick at all. This whole relationship that’s being portrayed in this series messes with the OT. Especially with Leia ending up being “The Other”. As it stood prior to this series, Ben was watching over Luke. He thought that Luke was the one that was their “only hope” and so did Yoda. But now, all of a sudden, we learn that he had this huge bond with leia. He got to know her and saw just how strong she is. While Luke is just out there playing pod racer. So why didn’t he see that she was the stronger one? That it was Leia that should have been trained ? Or at least trained as well? Obi-Wan is kind of a misogynistic dick now then isn’t he? Only a boy is good enough for them. 😉

Like i said before, this should have been Luke that Ben was out to rescue. He could have been captured by Slave traders or such and then, on the quest to find rescue Luke, Obi-Wan falls on the Empires radar. Then that bond could have been still present in the same way and it would have lead nicely into ANH. Because it’s obvious that Luke knows Ben. He recognises him straight away. “boy am i glad to see you”. Obi-Wan has rescued him again. And the emotional weight of Luke seeing Ben killed is enhanced ( even though it didn’t need to be).

Obi-Wan could have offered to find Luke and Owen reluctantly agrees after some persuasion from Beru. But once Luek is back with his family Owen is angry at Obi-Wan because of how close Vader came to learning he had offspring and painting a target on Luke’s back. He blames Obi-Wan for the Empire getting involved in this rescue. And he banishes Obi-Wan from ever having anything to do with Luke.




How many people can fit in a T-47 now?

A child in the backseater’s lap maybe… but an additional adult?


[adywan said:] Owen is angry at Obi-Wan because of how close Vader came to learning he had offspring and painting a target on Luke’s back.

  • “Luke’s just not a farmer, Owen…he has too much of his father in him.”
  • “Well that’s ok, at least he’s has nothing in him from that crazy inquisitor bitch who threatened to kill all of us. That’s who I’m afraid of…”

So long 🙌


Saw it, thought it was a bit underwhelming but I still liked it quite a bit. Vader’s been hit or miss and here more than ever, and the first few minutes of this episode were the low point of the series IMO. 3 and 4 have really made it obvious this is a movie stretched into miniseries which while it means they’re worse episodes overall, it gets my hopes up that 5 and 6 are going to be amazing again (like the impeccable 1 and 2), especially with Andrew Stanton as one of the writers. Overall, I’m very pleased.


I didn’t like it nearly as much as #3, which sure looks to be the high point in the series for me and what I hoped for with this show. I didn’t think it was as bad as some did and no doubt will as they log in and post. That said, I see and largely agree with some of the criticisms. They just don’t bother me as much. I do agree that the little nods to the OT are unnecessary. To me, this felt like a smaller episode. Maybe because it was one of the shortest, just 38 minutes.

While it felt smaller in story, I did feel a bit of stress at times and that was unexpected and welcomed. It needs more of that and not from battles and action. This time it was from all the scenes with Indira Varma. I think she is outstanding in the series and feels like she (her character and her talent) would work well in a film.

As for effects that did stand out as TV-level; The ship coming in to land on that ocean platform looked very CGI. Again, not enough to bother me, but it was noticeable compared to some other shots in this episode and others. Overall I think most of the shots of ships as they are in space or approaching\leaving planets has been top notch. I’m also very glad most of them have been free of the weirdly unnecessary 360 spin that Lucas and now Disney love to have every ship make as they land somewhere. Lucas was huge on twirling and spinning of things. Disney has carried that over a bit so I’m always pleasantly surprised when they don’t do it, e.g., quarry saber duel or ships landing in the direction they were traveling.

Tiny nit-pick; The tracking device has been done. Come up with another way.

Forum Moderator

Anchorhead said:

Tiny nit-pick; The tracking device has been done. Come up with another way.

I think this is their way to tie into the OT a little; maybe that’s why Leia is so certain that “they let us go” in ANH; she’s seen it happen before.