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doubleofive said:

EvantheKidDS said:

I know I shouldn’t bring this up again but, I did just realize something. Since you’re using Topaz to improve the existing 2011 Blu-Ray for ANH:R HD, why not attempt the same for ESB:R?

That is if you want to do it, as it is your choice and not mine, or anyone else’s.

(In some of the shots where Leia turns around to rescue Luke from Cloud City, the lighted buttons in the Falcon’s cockpit bleeds together.)

Didn’t you just ask this?

Yeah I know, but when I was reading back the update on ANH:R HD about how Ady was using Topaz to clean-up the 2011 Blu-Ray (when it was still on native 1080p) to improve the image quality for the same resolution, I thought about that when I was thinking that Ady used the 2004 DVD to create ESB:R, before he used Topaz to upscale from 720p to 1080p.


Bobson Dugnutt said:

EvantheKidDS said:

Bridger12 said:

EvantheKidDS said:

I know I shouldn’t bring this up again but, I did just realize something. Since you’re using Topaz to improve the existing 2011 Blu-Ray for ANH:R HD, why not attempt the same for ESB:R?

He already did. ESB:R was originally made and released at 720p, but he used Topaz to upscale it to 1080p.

From my knowledge, I thought that Ady used the 2004 DVD Release of ESB for the Revisited Edit, not the 2011 Blu-Ray.


Welp, I fooled myself again, I’m just so against upscaling.


EvantheKidDS said:

doubleofive said:

EvantheKidDS said:

I know I shouldn’t bring this up again but, I did just realize something. Since you’re using Topaz to improve the existing 2011 Blu-Ray for ANH:R HD, why not attempt the same for ESB:R?

That is if you want to do it, as it is your choice and not mine, or anyone else’s.

(In some of the shots where Leia turns around to rescue Luke from Cloud City, the lighted buttons in the Falcon’s cockpit bleeds together.)

Didn’t you just ask this?

Yeah I know, but when I was reading back the update on ANH:R HD about how Ady was using Topaz to clean-up the 2011 Blu-Ray (when it was still on native 1080p) to improve the image quality for the same resolution, I thought about that when I was thinking that Ady used the 2004 DVD to create ESB:R, before he used Topaz to upscale from 720p to 1080p.

If i had used the 2004 DVD then it would have only been 480p, not 720p




adywan said:

EvantheKidDS said:

doubleofive said:

EvantheKidDS said:

I know I shouldn’t bring this up again but, I did just realize something. Since you’re using Topaz to improve the existing 2011 Blu-Ray for ANH:R HD, why not attempt the same for ESB:R?

That is if you want to do it, as it is your choice and not mine, or anyone else’s.

(In some of the shots where Leia turns around to rescue Luke from Cloud City, the lighted buttons in the Falcon’s cockpit bleeds together.)

Didn’t you just ask this?

Yeah I know, but when I was reading back the update on ANH:R HD about how Ady was using Topaz to clean-up the 2011 Blu-Ray (when it was still on native 1080p) to improve the image quality for the same resolution, I thought about that when I was thinking that Ady used the 2004 DVD to create ESB:R, before he used Topaz to upscale from 720p to 1080p.

If i had used the 2004 DVD then it would have only been 480p, not 720p

I didn’t know a 1080p blu ray could be downscaled to 720p and question I have is why was it isn’t that a downgrade?


Fullmetaled said:

adywan said:

EvantheKidDS said:

doubleofive said:

EvantheKidDS said:

I know I shouldn’t bring this up again but, I did just realize something. Since you’re using Topaz to improve the existing 2011 Blu-Ray for ANH:R HD, why not attempt the same for ESB:R?

That is if you want to do it, as it is your choice and not mine, or anyone else’s.

(In some of the shots where Leia turns around to rescue Luke from Cloud City, the lighted buttons in the Falcon’s cockpit bleeds together.)

Didn’t you just ask this?

Yeah I know, but when I was reading back the update on ANH:R HD about how Ady was using Topaz to clean-up the 2011 Blu-Ray (when it was still on native 1080p) to improve the image quality for the same resolution, I thought about that when I was thinking that Ady used the 2004 DVD to create ESB:R, before he used Topaz to upscale from 720p to 1080p.

If i had used the 2004 DVD then it would have only been 480p, not 720p

I didn’t know a 1080p blu ray could be downscaled to 720p and question I have is why was it isn’t that a downgrade?

Ady has gone over this a bajillion times. He was working with sources not all in 1080p at the time so 720p would be - and was - an ideal compromise. But upscaling algorithms have reached a point that going back to 1080p not only made the edit match the quality of the original soure, but surpass it.


Omni said:

Fullmetaled said:

adywan said:

EvantheKidDS said:

doubleofive said:

EvantheKidDS said:

I know I shouldn’t bring this up again but, I did just realize something. Since you’re using Topaz to improve the existing 2011 Blu-Ray for ANH:R HD, why not attempt the same for ESB:R?

That is if you want to do it, as it is your choice and not mine, or anyone else’s.

(In some of the shots where Leia turns around to rescue Luke from Cloud City, the lighted buttons in the Falcon’s cockpit bleeds together.)

Didn’t you just ask this?

Yeah I know, but when I was reading back the update on ANH:R HD about how Ady was using Topaz to clean-up the 2011 Blu-Ray (when it was still on native 1080p) to improve the image quality for the same resolution, I thought about that when I was thinking that Ady used the 2004 DVD to create ESB:R, before he used Topaz to upscale from 720p to 1080p.

If i had used the 2004 DVD then it would have only been 480p, not 720p

I didn’t know a 1080p blu ray could be downscaled to 720p and question I have is why was it isn’t that a downgrade?

Ady has gone over this a bajillion times. He was working with sources not all in 1080p at the time so 720p would be - and was - an ideal compromise. But upscaling algorithms have reached a point that going back to 1080p not only made the edit match the quality of the original soure, but surpass it.

Ok that’s pretty awesome. 😃


I know too little about aspects of fan-edits, especially ESB:R. Despite that fact, I would like to say sorry for constant annoyance of bringing the subject of upscaling back up, over and over again. I’ll try to prevent further comments about this.


I’ve got a tech question, well several actually, for those who know about this sort of thing.

Okay, so after dragging my feet for months I finally downloaded the ESB:R rar files, unpacked them, and got it to play. It looked absolutely beautiful, couldn’t be happier. Now my questions are with the playing of the movie. I can watch the film straight through without stopping with no problems but if I pause the film it won’t unpause. If I stop the film it won’t play again. I can’t fast forward or rewind and there doesn’t appear to be any chapter breaks either. Has anyone else experienced these problems? How do I fix these issues? Any assistance would be appreciated, thank you.


Gorilla said:

I’ve got a tech question, well several actually, for those who know about this sort of thing.

Okay, so after dragging my feet for months I finally downloaded the ESB:R rar files, unpacked them, and got it to play. It looked absolutely beautiful, couldn’t be happier. Now my questions are with the playing of the movie. I can watch the film straight through without stopping with no problems but if I pause the film it won’t unpause. If I stop the film it won’t play again. I can’t fast forward or rewind and there doesn’t appear to be any chapter breaks either. Has anyone else experienced these problems? How do I fix these issues? Any assistance would be appreciated, thank you.

I didn’t add chapter breaks. The problem you are having seems to only be present on certain players. Just load the video into MKVToolnix and remux it into an mkv. That should sort out any playback problems when skipping and pausing. You can also add chapter marker with that program if you wish





@adywan Even if the Blu-Ray’s audio will be lossy (I hope not), will it still sound close enough to lossless?


@adywan how is the compression since it’s not a full 50gb file?


There’s one small addition to TESB:R that I just noticed, that I thought was actually pretty effective from an editing perspective. It’s the addition of the orange twin-pod ship in the Cloud City establishing shot right after Luke leaves Dagobah. Now we’re following it right as it enters the city into the next shot added to the SE. I don’t know why that brown floating structure on the left side of the first shot was removed, though.


Nandi said:

Found this image, idk is it relevant:

That should be in the ANH:R topic.

I did ask the same question, and Adywan told me this:

“The Death Star plans during the briefing will be how they appeared in the SD version of ANH:R. But they will also tie into the originals as seen in Rogue One. You’ll just have to wait and see.”


I wouldn’t be surprised if he already fixed them himself, since the man is so good he can literally identify the most minute continuity errors.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


I watched this tonight, and I was blown away by the quality and scope of the project. It looked and felt like an official version of the movie, except more polished and comprehensive. The fact that this is a fan project is amazing. Two thumbs up. I highly recommend this.


G&G-Fan said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if he already fixed them himself, since the man is so good he can literally identify the most minute continuity errors.

That is literally the best way to describe Adywan, someone who is so dedicated to something cherished around the world, and even to himself.


Bridger12 said:

These minor changes were made to TESB with the release of the 4K version. Do you think they’re necessary enough to be added to TESB:R when you make the Blu-Ray for it?

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ldCMSXVy53TnLDwKZKFUzsN1S7lwjPJL/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qldME-yHHkpI1T8w3Vawg1dR8583LKpF/view?usp=sharing

As of now, I highly doubt that Ady would return to ESB:R to redo the changes to form a native 1080p video, lossless audio, or to apply any more fixes to just anything, even if the changes that were made on the 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray could’ve helped ESB:R.


EvantheKidDS said:

Bridger12 said:

These minor changes were made to TESB with the release of the 4K version. Do you think they’re necessary enough to be added to TESB:R when you make the Blu-Ray for it?

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ldCMSXVy53TnLDwKZKFUzsN1S7lwjPJL/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qldME-yHHkpI1T8w3Vawg1dR8583LKpF/view?usp=sharing

As of now, I highly doubt that Ady would return to ESB:R to redo the changes to form a native 1080p video, lossless audio, or to apply any more fixes to just anything, even if the changes that were made on the 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray could’ve helped ESB:R.

He said he has the software to make the audio lossless.


Could I get a link to this edit?

I’m not really that much of a movie purist. I really should’ve thought my name out a bit more.


That guy with no name said:

I just noticed a Glitch right edge of the screen:

Nice catch. Thanks 😃

Checking the original 720p master , the glitch isn’t there but it is on the 1080p upscale master. Looks like part of the next shot bleeds into this one for a couple of frames. I’ll fix it 😃 If you spot any more, please let me know so i can fix them for the full release




adywan said:

That guy with no name said:

I just noticed a Glitch right edge of the screen:

Nice catch. Thanks 😃

Checking the original 720p master , the glitch isn’t there but it is on the 1080p upscale master. Looks like part of the next shot bleeds into this one for a couple of frames. I’ll fix it 😃 If you spot any more, please let me know so i can fix them for the full release

No problem.