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The Kenobi Movie Show (Spoilers) — Page 34


ken-obi said:

yotsuya said:

It is shame that this series, so anticipated for years, has so low production values so far.

I don’t get how this has a low production value. That just baffles me. I’ve watched the first episode 3 times and as good if not better than any episode of The Mandelorian. I get it if you don’t like it or don’t like some of their choices, but blasting the production quality of something this well made just blows my mind.

I hardly blasted the production quality. I said it was a shame that the production values for this is so low for the episodes we have seen this far.

Me saying that blew your mind? Really?

Okay, then I’ll try and expand upon what I said. To me it looks cheap in places, certain scenes in the desert, the rooftop fight, Revan spinning and twirling her way through it, and the fake Jedi’s “office”. I found them to look cheap and uninteresting. Costuming, editing, cinematography and camera placement also looked off. That could The Void, or other factors, but they were jarring to me and appeared cheaply done too.

To me The Mandalorian looks superior to this from a production standpoint. This series so far is on a par with BOBF, and not the quality episodes featuring The Mandalorian. That new Andor teaser looked to have superior production values than this (though only a teaser, obviously).

So far Kenobi has given me the feel of a modern “sy-fy” sci-fi show shot on a budget and tight schedule out in Canada. Not a well-funded limited series by Disney+ with the technical know-how and experience of Lucasfilm, who have re-tooled the story (as both a film and TV series) and spent some serious time on this show. To me this is a flagship series, or should be. Bridging the Prequel and Original eras, and possibly the fans of those trilogies, with a much anticipated story of one many fans’ more endearing characters, played by an actor that even the most ardent Prequel critic would acknowledge did a solid job with the work given him in the Prequel films.

The Kenobi story is compelling, the execution and feel of the show so far is not. The acting is strong, Inquisitors apart, as originally posted this is surprising given the quality of performances on their other projects.

Again this just for the two episodes we have seen so far. I’ll gladly eat humble pie if the remaining episodes have better production values to them.

If there is a “two-hander” episode with just Ewan and Hayden talking and building up to future confrontation then the production values won’t matter as much. The story, the acting, the build-up is what really matters here in this series. Yet so far, when it is opened up to set the scene, or showcase the backdrops, or attempting to show off (like Revan on the rooftops) then that is where it is suffering production-wise.

But that’s all just my opinion. I’m glad you are enjoying it, and others too. I hope that goes for the future episodes of this as well.

Again, I don’t get it. So a big empty room is somehow not realistic? I just walked through a functioning location today that looked very similar (except it was white and brightly lit). I think you just don’t like their choice and instead of just saying you don’t like what they did, you are insulting their abilities. I don’t think that is fair. I definitely don’t agree. I had no problem with any of the things you point out and I definitely don’t think they point to any flaws in the production. Sets do not have to be crowded to be realistic. I definitely don’t get the “syfy out of canada” feel like you describe. I get more of the big hollywood feel with a big budget.


I would not stoop to slinging the accusation of racism at anyone without adequate proof. But Moses Ingram has received a lot of racist abuse and I side with Ewan McGregor and Anson Mount that both the Star Wars and Star Trek fandoms should not tolerate any racism what-so-ever. All I have seen on this thread are complaints of her acting. In any part some might find the acting good and some bad. That is not racism, that is preference. Acting involves decisions on the part of the writers, actors, and directors that some might not care for.

But in other corners fans are not making that complaint but being outright racist. Ewan heard some of them and it broke his heart and he does not consider anyone making such racist based comments to be any sort of Star Wars fan. I don’t either. And it’s bad enough Anson Mount spoke for the Star Trek community in her support.

And again, I have seen nothing in the above comments to suggest racism from any member here. I would be very disappointed if that was the case.


While we’re on the subject of the criticisms of Reva, I’m going to clarify mine here instead of a few pages back since this topic is so fast moving at the moment.

My criticism, which I stand by, is fully on the character as written, not on Ms Ingram. She can only work with the material they give her and they aren’t giving her much. Reva is just the newest baddie-chasing-the-hero.

Ingram deserves better. I’m still interested in the show, but with any luck they’ll give Reva some depth instead of her just being a knock off of Vader from The Empire Strikes Back. That’s assuming there’s any sort of second season. I don’t remember if they said this was a one & done or a potential multi-season.

For the record, if you haven’t seen The Queen’s Gambit, it’s very interesting and Ms Ingram is outstanding in it.

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Episode 3 started off with promise, but the inquisitors are just terrible and just ruin every scene they are in. Their acting and dialogue is atrocious. Much of the episode just felt like it was heavily padded out and you could have done away with half of it and it wouldn’t have affected anything. While better than the first two episodes , it is just by a small margin. But i wonder how much of that was just down to having vader on screen again.

The checkpoint scene had me scratching my head. Obi-wan attempts and fails to turn off the laser beams then shoots it to disable it. Why not just walk around it? Really, it was just blocking the road and empty spaces either side of the blockade, just a few metres across. Just bloody walk around it.

It’s obvious that they are using AI tech for vader’s voice, which works really well in this, and Vader sounds so much like his OT version instead of the weaker and older JEJ vocal used in Rebels and Rogue One. But there’s something not quite right about the costume. I’m not sure if its the way its shot or the costume itself, but it looks so plastic and cheap. More like an off the shelf mass produced item than something crafted and shot for a feature. The saber duel was THE WORSE in the entire saga. the blocking and execution was BAD. Sure, Obi-Wan is supposed to be weak in this , but that’s not what the problem was. It was so badly shot and edited. It looked so fake. This is supposed to be showing vader at his height? But all they did was show Vader just randomly killing civilians , which came off as just a lame attempt to show " oooh, he’s an evil badass". Vader can throw Obi-Wan all over the place, drag him through fire and torture him. But put a wall of fire in his way and he just stands there and watches Obi being rescued? From the same distance that he was able to lift obi-wan into the air. But he couldn’t stop a droid? And just let them escape. I guess vaders force abilities don’t work through fire… oh wait, didn’t vader just do exactly that just moments earlier? But they just stand there.

The duel did one thing though. It completely destroyed the duel in ANH. It destroyed the meaning in Vaders line to Obi-Wan. " when i left you i was but the learner, now I am the master". Yet Vader was shown to be far superior to obi-Wan during this brief duel. He was not a learner. He doesn’t see himself as such either according to this series. He was more powerful than Obi-Wan. I’ve always said that they should never duel in this series and everything i, and many others, were worried about came true in this one episode.

Ewans accent again is all over the place.

When Obi-Wan started to sense the “disturbance in the force”, THIS is the moment that he should have learned that Anakin was still alive. NOT being told by the inquisitor. It would have been a much more dramatic moment. More emotional .Why did they not do this? Was it really just to get that reveal at the end of Ep 2? They really dropped the ball on that one. Another example of just how b ad the writing is on this show.

Then we get the inquisitor magically finding the other end of the tunnel and beating leia to her destination. Convenient.

It’s just written and executed so badly. One or two good moments cannot rescue lame episodes. The bad outweighs the good i’m afraid.

3 eps in and i do have a feeling that some good editing to condense this over-stretched series into one movie length feature could pull something good out of it. But that depends on what is to come… 3 eps left and i’m not holding out much hope.




This is one of the most exciting Star Wars stories anybody could think of. It’s baffling they are telling it in the blandest most boring way I could imagine. You really couldn’t make this show feel less inspired if you tried.

If you enjoyed BOBF, you’ll be fine with this one too. But to me this just feels like Lucasfilm on autopilot.


Again, I personally really loved this episode. Especially the moments with Vader and Obi-Wan, further fleshing out Obi-Wan’s fear over what he created, and Vader’s burning (no pun intended) hatred for Obi-Wan.

I get some of the complaints, but I even really liked the duel.

Sure, if it was the only one, it would kinda suck a bit out of the rematch in ANH, due to Obi-Wan so blatantly losing, but I’m pretty sure it WON’T be the only one, solely because of how much it’s been built up. Pretty sure it’s gonna go smth like “Obi-Wan eventually does manage to speak to Qui-Gon, and after a pep talk regains strength and bests Vader, who now believes he’s still a learner” or whatever.

Vader letting him go super easily was pretty dumb though, I must admit.

Again, sorta viewing this knowing this isn’t the full story, but I think it does it’s job as the midpoint quite well.


On the defense of the duel looking atrocious, I feel as though the way they shot it with the blocking and cinematography reminds me of late 70’s B-movie horror flicks in it’s amateurish way of it being filmed. In a way, it circles back to how A New Hope’s lightsaber duel looked and how absolutely atrocious and terrible it was with Alec and David swinging the spinning rods as carefully as possible. I can forgive the fight for being off as it kinda reflected how the fighting style in ANH would look if you were to watch this chronologically.

So far I’m pretty okay with the series and I feel indifference towards all the characters except Kenobi and Vader, and I don’t really have much to complain or praise for Reva, the Grand Inquistor or anybody else. I just think that you can miss this show and nothing wouldn’t really change since we do know what happens after this show and all that.

this post has been edited.


The thing that makes me really livid isn’t that they couldn’t resist completely undermining the ANH duel as I expected they would, but that they were (and still are) being cheered along at every step of the way by fans who are far too dumb to understand how giving Obi-Wan and Vader a le epic lightsaber fight in-between RotS and ANH utterly deflates such an important and iconic scene in the original film.

I have done an excellent job of avoiding interaction with the Star Wars fandom over the years and keeping to myself, but I just had to finally make an account on here so that I had some place to vent about this. It’s honestly so baffling how fans of a franchise built on two of the best films ever made can be so oblivious to what bad writing looks like. I sincerely hope that Mike Stoklasa decides to do a Plinkett review for this show at some point. I don’t hate this show, but I really do hate what it did. I’m so tired of seeing great films being retroactively lessened.


There are things I really like, but it’s honestly just a bunch of small things that Star Wars doesn’t usually do (but is in other stuff normally.)

The franchise as a whole is kind of emotionally stunted so I like that Obi-Wan Kenobi does have an EQ. It’s where Chow excels as a director IMO. There’s just so much cheapness in the surrounding elements that it doesn’t feel as good as any of it should. The action is kinda slow, the world doesn’t feel that imaginative, the villains are hard to take seriously.

I don’t really mind that much - The Expanse is the “Canadian shot Sy-Fy show” people are literally comparing this to, and I love The Expanse - but Star Wars/Obi-Wan maybe deserved more than that. It’s frustrating because SW is a massive franchise and Disney is a massive corporation.

If there were going to be these restraints, this team would have excelled at something far less rooted in action, and something more dialogue-driven. For example, I was disappointed when they reached the checkpoint because it cut off Obi-Wan’s interesting recollection of his early life, for a frankly underwhelming sequence. Even Reva’s subtle expressions and allusion to her origin/ambitons are far more compelling than Vader pursuing Kenobi.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Yeah, the show does often feel cheap, and it’s hard to put a finger on why. Maybe it’s the sets or the camerawork? The generic score really doesn’t help at all, either. That might actually be a big part of it.

But I can put all of that aside, because what matters most to me is the writing. And while I think the writing has generally been okay, there are a few things (especially Obi-Wan and Vader confronting one another) that really irk me.


yotsuya said:

ken-obi said:

yotsuya said:

It is shame that this series, so anticipated for years, has so low production values so far.

I don’t get how this has a low production value. That just baffles me. I’ve watched the first episode 3 times and as good if not better than any episode of The Mandelorian. I get it if you don’t like it or don’t like some of their choices, but blasting the production quality of something this well made just blows my mind.

I hardly blasted the production quality. I said it was a shame that the production values for this is so low for the episodes we have seen this far.

Me saying that blew your mind? Really?

Okay, then I’ll try and expand upon what I said. To me it looks cheap in places, certain scenes in the desert, the rooftop fight, Revan spinning and twirling her way through it, and the fake Jedi’s “office”. I found them to look cheap and uninteresting. Costuming, editing, cinematography and camera placement also looked off. That could The Void, or other factors, but they were jarring to me and appeared cheaply done too.

To me The Mandalorian looks superior to this from a production standpoint. This series so far is on a par with BOBF, and not the quality episodes featuring The Mandalorian. That new Andor teaser looked to have superior production values than this (though only a teaser, obviously).

So far Kenobi has given me the feel of a modern “sy-fy” sci-fi show shot on a budget and tight schedule out in Canada. Not a well-funded limited series by Disney+ with the technical know-how and experience of Lucasfilm, who have re-tooled the story (as both a film and TV series) and spent some serious time on this show. To me this is a flagship series, or should be. Bridging the Prequel and Original eras, and possibly the fans of those trilogies, with a much anticipated story of one many fans’ more endearing characters, played by an actor that even the most ardent Prequel critic would acknowledge did a solid job with the work given him in the Prequel films.

The Kenobi story is compelling, the execution and feel of the show so far is not. The acting is strong, Inquisitors apart, as originally posted this is surprising given the quality of performances on their other projects.

Again this just for the two episodes we have seen so far. I’ll gladly eat humble pie if the remaining episodes have better production values to them.

If there is a “two-hander” episode with just Ewan and Hayden talking and building up to future confrontation then the production values won’t matter as much. The story, the acting, the build-up is what really matters here in this series. Yet so far, when it is opened up to set the scene, or showcase the backdrops, or attempting to show off (like Revan on the rooftops) then that is where it is suffering production-wise.

But that’s all just my opinion. I’m glad you are enjoying it, and others too. I hope that goes for the future episodes of this as well.

Again, I don’t get it. So a big empty room is somehow not realistic? I just walked through a functioning location today that looked very similar (except it was white and brightly lit). I think you just don’t like their choice and instead of just saying you don’t like what they did, you are insulting their abilities. I don’t think that is fair. I definitely don’t agree. I had no problem with any of the things you point out and I definitely don’t think they point to any flaws in the production. Sets do not have to be crowded to be realistic. I definitely don’t get the “syfy out of canada” feel like you describe. I get more of the big hollywood feel with a big budget.

I don’t know what else to say. It is simply my opinion of what I’ve seen so far (I haven’t seen the third episode yet). Those scenes I mentioned reminded my of some cheaper generic sci-fi tv shows, not the quality of what a Star Wars flagship tv series by Lucasfilm should be. It felt cheap. Or “off” somehow. Other scenes didn’t, and ranged decent to very good, if that helps?

Again, I’m glad you are enjoying the series and find the production values to be high. I’m hoping to find that too in the rest of the episodes of this series.

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I loved the episode, I can see why fans are complaining, but it’s the little moments that count the most to me. Whenever Kenobi is talking to Leia about something from the past, it just breaks my heart. Both of their performances are very good.

As far as Vader, this isn’t Vader from A New Hope. He too, is on a journey, just as Kenobi is. It’s like looking at something that isn’t finished yet and saying that sucks, it’s horrible.

There is another duel and I’m sure Kenobi will show Vader why he’s still the master, angering Vader even more. This loss in the next duel will make Vader upgrade his armor and helmet even further. Like I said, he looks cheap and different because he never had to go up against a strong Jedi Master, such as Kenobi in the last 10 years. His armor is weaker due to no contest against the weak Jedi he ran across.

Kenobi is only fighting at like 50% in this episode, because the force is slowly going back to Kenobi. In his final duel with Vader he will be at 100%

I just have a strong feeling that Kenobi wipes Leia’s memory because she finds out something. Maybe she learns her father is the man in that horrible black mask. It might be too traumatic for her, so he removes those memories of them together and her learning the truth.

Remember in Return of the Jedi, when Leia says to Luke, “I know, somehow I’ve always known.” She knew Luke was her brother and Vader was her father, but Kenobi removes it from her memory. When Luke reveals to her they are brother and sister, some of those memories return to her.

I also think he tells young Leia that if she ever needs him again, she can find him in the Jundland Wastes on Tatooine. Maybe R2-D2 is there when he says it, that way he knows exactly where to go on that big planet.


I think some people who had set their hopes especially high are slowly realizing they may have put too much faith in Deborah Chow, I think if this show doesn’t pull it together in the end she’ll have the Star Wars stink on her that Rian had and people will unfairly judge her abilities after pinning their hopes on her up to release. Some fans forgot they were still dealing with Disney here, the director is the patsy to blame for the studio’s continued failures.

(Glad for any of you enjoying the series so far though.)

“The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force.” - DV


IMO the scene between Obi-Wan, Leia and the Stormtroopers on the ‘pick-up truck’ was way more interesting and suspenseful than the reunion between Obi & Ani.

And Hayden still looks too small in the Vader suit.

But so far i’m really enjoying this series.

Rogue One is redundant. Just play the first mission of DARK FORCES.
The hallmark of a corrupt leader: Being surrounded by yes men.
‘The best visual effects in the world will not compensate for a story told badly.’ - V.E.S.
‘Star Wars is a buffet, enjoy the stuff you want, and leave the rest.’ - SilverWook


act on instinct said:

I think some people who had set their hopes especially high are slowly realizing they may have put too much faith in Deborah Chow, I think if this show doesn’t pull it together in the end she’ll have the Star Wars stink on her that Rian had and people will unfairly judge her abilities after pinning their hopes on her up to release. Some fans forgot they were still dealing with Disney here, the director is the patsy to blame for the studio’s continued failures.

(Glad for any of you enjoying the series so far though.)

it’s me, i’m some people

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


I have to say that apart from the cheap fanfilm looking throne room scene I thoroughly enjoyed this episode.
The scenes this time with Ben and leia were endearing and added a surprising amount of depth to both their characters and to the broader lore in general.
Vader in the village was absolute nightmare fuel, bringing a trail of death in his wake as if to taunt his former master, this is what I am now, this is all your fault and now come and face for yourself your failure.
I don’t think this is «the fight» of the series and I don’t think it was filmed to reflect that, I think it was more intended to feel like a fever dream, Kenobi’s failure falling down on him crushing him all at once, completely overwhelmed, barely able to stand to withhold it all…
It seems to me that they harkened back to the style of the duel in A New Hope, with a few horrorisms added to the mix. All in all this episode definitely gave me more to chew on and I hope the next 3 episodes deliver just as well or better.

Production quality wise I put the blame squarely on Bob Cheapek and the higher-ups at Disney.
This series is their flagship and it deserved a flagship budget and production, anything less is an insult to the fans and a lack of respect to the property in my opinion.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


There is something quite weird going on with Lucasfilm shows: after TBOB never featuring Boba Fett, this Ben show has still not shown Obi-Wan Kenobi after half its episodes. There is a character being called “kenobi” but he has absolutely nothing to do with the Jedi we saw in Ep 1-6, TCW, CW and Rebels. Really strange.

Also I don’t see Vader either. There is a cosplayer in a decent plastic costume doing weird civilian killing stuff (not really in Vader’s character to do that for basically no reason, unless he really hates asian people but they don’t look like tuskens so maybe not…), so yet no Lord Vader on sight either.

They should have titled it “Star Wars: Reva and Leia adventures”.

This series is so far the best way to ruin the OT and the PT altogether. It’s amazing in a way.

Still 3 to go: let’s hope for something good at some point!

So long 🙌


CarboniteSolo said:

Like I said, he looks cheap and different because he never had to go up against a strong Jedi Master

OR: he looks cheap because the production fucked him up.

So long 🙌


CarboniteSolo said:

I just have a strong feeling that Kenobi wipes Leia’s memory because she finds out something. Maybe she learns her father is the man in that horrible black mask. It might be too traumatic for her, so he removes those memories of them together and her learning the truth.

Remember in Return of the Jedi, when Leia says to Luke, “I know, somehow I’ve always known.” She knew Luke was her brother and Vader was her father, but Kenobi removes it from her memory. When Luke reveals to her they are brother and sister, some of those memories return to her.

I also think he tells young Leia that if she ever needs him again, she can find him in the Jundland Wastes on Tatooine. Maybe R2-D2 is there when he says it, that way he knows exactly where to go on that big planet.

You found theories to make the show even worse…

So long 🙌


MalaStrana#2 said:

There is something quite weird going on with Lucasfilm shows: after TBOB never featuring Boba Fett, this Ben show has still not shown Obi-Wan Kenobi after half its episodes. There is a character being called “kenobi” but he has absolutely nothing to do with the Jedi we saw in Ep 1-6, TCW, CW and Rebels. Really strange.

Also I don’t see Vader either. There is a cosplayer in a decent plastic costume doing weird civilian killing stuff (not really in Vader’s character to do that for basically no reason, unless he really hates asian people but they don’t look like tuskens so maybe not…), so yet no Lord Vader on sight either.

They should have titled it “Star Wars: Reva and Leia adventures”.

This series is so far the best way to ruin the OT and the PT altogether. It’s amazing in a way.

Still 3 to go: let’s hope for something good at some point!



MalaStrana#2 said:

CarboniteSolo said:

Like I said, he looks cheap and different because he never had to go up against a strong Jedi Master

OR: he looks cheap because the production fucked him up.

Have you looked at Vaders costume and helmet in A New Hope? Cheap looking, but for The Empire Strikes Back, they had the bigger budget and made his helmet shine and made his suit better.

Future Spoilers:

in the final duel Obi-wan Kenobi destroys a part of Darth Vader’s helmet, so he gets a new helmet before A New Hope.


I’m legit angry. I was willing to go along with the show for 2 episodes and then most of this one, but it’s enough. It’s only marginally better than Book of Boba Fett which is not saying very much.
I don’t know why - I didn’t have high expectations. Maybe it’s because there’s enough stuff that I do like that was unexpectedly good. Any time Obi Wan is actually on screen ranges from decent to great.
But like everyone here is saying, everything looks cheap. Not cheap like the original Star Wars where they’re doing the most with a lower budget, but where they’re doing the least with a higher budget. All the inquisitors look goofy, and not in a good way. The sets are substandard. The directing is straight up bad. I feel bad saying that because Deborah Chow sounded really promising and respectful of the source material, but there’s no other way you would get this kind of sloppy chase sequences and setpieces and parts that drag on for too long.
Other than the editing which is also abysmal. I want to scream at the people making the show to STOP CUTTING AWAY FROM OBI WAN. JUST STOP IT. I don’t want or need to see Leia or Reva or whoever moving through a tunnel, or doing parkour, or walking, or talking, or anything at all. Why, WHY, when you have a show about Obi Wan and Vader meeting again for the first time, and you went to all the effort to bring in Ewan and Hayden, do you think it’s necessary to devote around half (more?) of the screen time to NOTHING? To characters that aren’t even supposed to be there, or exist!
The music is awful. Just so generic it would be better if it weren’t there at all. It’s sad because that’s one of the things Star Wars is known for and they literally had John Williams make an Obi Wan theme for it, and they somehow couldn’t bring themselves to make use of any of the large library of existing music to good effect.

I want to believe that this can be cut down into a good movie. There are certainly enough good things in it, it’s just that they’re surrounded by inquisitors (which I have never liked,) repetitive dialogue, poor chase scenes, and an overall lack of focus.

“Like you trained his father?” Such an awesome scene. Vader being scary, having a castle, and terrorizing the innocent. Great. Obi Wan’s flashbacks and trying to connect with Qui Gon, great. Nar Shadda-esque planet, pretty good. Clone Vietnam vet, cool. Some of the dialogue between Obi Wan and Leia, decent. Obi Wan taking out a bunch of stormtroopers, badass. There are so many nuggets of good things here that have to be dug out, but they shouldn’t have to be.


Well, I’ve seen the first 3 episodes now. I was naturally concerned how this series would be handled with Disney involved, but they allowed an overall good job to be done with the Mandalorian in the first two seasons, so I was anticipating it might be good, also. So far, I think it’s going pretty well. Ewan is, as usual, great as Obi-Wan, and shows why Lucas chose him in the first place. He brings real weight and depth to the entire series. You can feel how much pain he’s had go through thinking and dreaming about the events on Naboo and the Clone War, the mistakes, the friends he’s lost in battle, and what happened to Anakin, most of all. That would have to be very hard. The whole Inquisitor thing is sort of ok, but this Reva is really annoying. While she’s endlessly saying she seeks to prove how worthy she is, etc., at the first chance she murders her superior, proving the Grand Inquisitor right about her; a lowly backstabber, no loyalty, no discipline and totally untrustworthy, just in a constant desperate bid for attention.

The confrontation with Darth Vader is quite a moment, Obi-Wan is rather shocked to see what has become of Anakin. And lets just say that Anakin remembers well his devastating defeat at the hands of his Master… And certainly Obi-Wan is feeling rusty after having laid low for years and having zero time for force and lightsaber use and practice. He’s already got his hand-to-hand combat and blaster techniques and marksmanship working well, and I get the feeling when he shakes the rust off fully, look out bad guys… =)

The Star Wars trilogy. There can be only one.